According to a recent study negative work experiences are impacting absenteeism more than other wellbeing elements. People who feel a low sense of achievement, feel disengaged or do not align with the ethics and values of their workplace are taking nearly twice as much leave as those who rate highly in these areas.
When employees rated low in these areas their absenteeism doubled. Building a positive culture and connecting employees to the vision and values of the company benefit business productivity.
Employees who feel work cares about wellbeing or feel that work is having a positive impact on their wellbeing, take 15% less personal leave.
The study suggested that absenteeism rates are driven by what happens at work every day and cited eight key areas that increased absenteeism:
- feeling a low sense of achievement at work
- not receiving regular recognition at work
- feeling disengaged by work
- unaligned personal and workplace values
- a low sense of belonging and teamwork
- having limited flexibility in hours and location
- feeling the workplace doesn’t care about wellbeing
- rating work as having a negative impact on wellbeing.
Actions employers can take to reduce the negative impact of work on employee wellbeing:
- Provide regular, meaningful recognition
- Promote work/life balance and flexibility
- Focus on team and culture
- Communicate the vision and values of the business
For further advice & support contact EAP Assist