What is an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

An EAP or Employee Assistance Program is a counselling service provided by employers to their staff to support their staffs’ emotional & psychological well-being both in the workplace & in their personal lives. An EAP can help workplaces adopt a more proactive, preventative approach to workplace mental health & assist in creating a culture of care.

What are the Benefits of an EAP

  1. Increased performance & productivity
  2. Reduced absenteeism, conflict & occupational stress
  3. Improved staff morale, employee retention & recruitment
  4. Reduced worker’s compensation & other costs
  5. Improve employee satisfaction
  6. Enhance employer-employee relationships

With untreated mental health conditions resulting in over 6 million lost working days and 12 million days of reduced productivity every year in Australia EAP Assist can provide professional support to help workers experiencing mental health issues, such as anxiety or depression, to stay at or return to work, benefiting both the worker and the business.

Why should an employer choose EAP Assist

When choosing an Employee Assistance Program employers look for quality & cost of service.

In respect to quality of service EAP Assist is a full service model providing on-demand telehealth counselling when it is required by experienced, qualified counsellors.

In respect to costs we charge a significantly lower hourly rate than all other EAP providers, with our rate being between $40-$60 per hour, and all other providers charging between $200-$300 per hour for similar services. Furthermore, we have no registration, management or any other service fees.

Our costs are kept to a minimum due to our extremely efficient business model & ethical profit margins ensuring that we adhere to our Mission Statement that all employees should be able to access EAP services.

How does EAP Assist work

1.The employer chooses the Plan that suits their company needs.

2. The company is then immediately provided with a dedicated Helpline Number/Access Code & counsellors as well as promotional material, including Information Flyers, Staff Wellness Cards, App & Wellness Posters.

3. Employees contact their dedicated EAP counsellor via the Booking Form.

4. The counsellor will respond by discussing the issues of concern & provide immediate confidential support & advice as well as utilize, Digital Programs, Wellness Apps, Assessments, Screening Tools, Treatment Videos, Wellness Videos, Wellness Facts, Psychotherapy & Counselling Workbook, Wellness Quiz, Mental Health Webinars, Treatment Workbooks & other Resources where appropriate.

5. Other services may include Workplace Mediation, Resilience Training, Workplace Training, Manager Assist, Ask Eaps, Whistleblowing Service & Wearables.

What is Counselling

Counselling is an opportunity for an employee to have a confidential conversation with an experienced counsellor. It is a time to talk freely, to discuss strategies, develop skills & gain information & advice to improve well-being & life satisfaction. Counselling is provided via a Solution Focused Model.

Why TELEHEALTH Counselling

  1. Support provided when needed.
  2. Prompt appointments via the Booking Form.
  3. No lost time from work.
  4. No travelling costs.
  5. Available when it will be most beneficial.
  6. Employees prefer the anonimity of phone counselling.
  7. Phone counselling confidentiality reduces the stigma associated with seeking support.
  8. Therapy delivered by phone has been found to be as effective in reducing symptoms as face-to-face therapy.
  9. Research suggests that Phone Therapy results in employee satisfaction with both the therapy and the quality of their relationship that is similar to levels of satisfaction with face-to-face therapy.
  10. Research has shown that employees significantly prefer EAP phone counselling above video calls or face-to-face counselling.

Which Plan should an employer choose

An employer may select from the plans below based on their staff numbers:

Starter Plan: 25 counselling hours over 12 months at $60 p/h ($1,500 +GST) Recommended for up to 50 staff

Small Plan: 50 counselling hours over 12 months at $60 p/h ($3,000 +GST) Recommended for 50 – 100 staff

Medium Plan: 100 counselling hours over 12 months at $50 p/h ($5,000 +GST) Recommended for 100 – 250 staff

Large Plan: 250 counselling hours over 12 months at $40 p/h ($10,000 +GST) Recommended for 250 – 1000 staff

For companies in excess of 1000 staff please contact us or call 0414809443 to discuss a cost effective tailored solution.

All Plans are paid in advance. To purchase a plan please go to the Costs Page.

Carry forward of any unused hours applies annually to the Small, Medium & Large Plans when purchasing a subsequent plan of similar or higher value prior to plan expiry.

The Starter Plan may include one entity (company/trading name), Small Plan two entities, Medium Plan three entities & Large Plan four plus entities on one account.

Multiple Year Purchase Savings

If you purchase a plan for longer than twelve months the following discounts apply:

Two years 5% discount.

Three years 10% discount.

Four years 15% discount.

Five years 20% discount, effectively giving you one year free.

pWho should use EAP Assist

EAP Assist services should be utilized by all employees, not just those struggling with mental health issues, to make a positive impact on their personal & professional lives. EAP Assist is a full well-being model focusing on helping all employees feel better, feel less stressed, be more resilient & more confident by providing a very broad range of professional wellness services.

Which Plan do I need

Whlie there are a number of variables which may influence usage, such as critical incidents & workplace culture, the industry standard is the 10-5 Rule: 10% of employees will use the service 5 times annually. For example, if you have 100 employees: 100 X 10% X 5 = 50 hours.

How quickly can it be set up

EAP Assist Plans can be set up usually within 60 minutes. Simply chose your plan, make payment & we will then provide you with your dedicated Helpline Number/Access Code which can then be used immediately.

What if I exceed my plan usage

We will advise you when your usage reaches 80% allowing you adequate time to top up hours at the same hourly rate or upgrade your plan should you wish.

What if I don’t exceed my plan usage

Unused hours will carry forward if the employer chooses to purchase a plan of similar or higher value immediately following the expiration of their current plan. (Carry forward does not apply to Starter Plan). Carry forward is applied annually only.

Billing Hours

Counselling is billed in 30 minute intervals, not in 60 minute intervals, to ensure that the maximum number of counselling sessions are delivered to employees. Most consultations, though, generally run for 50 – 60 minutes.

Are there sessional limits

The number of counselling sessions are limited to three hours per employee per registration year. Where appropriate Digital Programs, Wellness Apps, Wellness Training & other Resources are used to maximize support given within this time frame. These online self-help resources do not contribute to hours purchased.

What about Confidentiality

EAP Assist does not disclose information without the client’s consent except where failure to disclose would likely result in imminent threat of serious bodily harm to the client or others or where required by law.

What about Quality Control

At the completion of every telephone consultation employees are sent a Sessional Feedback Form by email asking them to rank their satisfaction with the support provided in order to ensure that valued services are being delivered.

When can I access counselling

Employees may book appointments from 9.00 am to 9.00 pm Monday to Saturday AEST on the Booking Form using their Helpline Number/Access Code. Outside of these hours while waiting to speak with your counsellor you may wish to have an AI Chat with EAPAssist-Chatbot at: https://eapassist.com.au/eapassist-chatbot/ If you are immediately concerned about your safety or the safety of another you may wish to consider calling Lifeline on 131114 or the Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467.

EAP Assist Counsellors

EAP Assist is a diverse, equitable & inclusive employer with a multicultural taskforce. Our counsellors all of mature age with tertiary qualifications in either psychology, social work or counselling & all have extensive experience in the delivery of Employee Assistance Program services. Clients are allocated dedicated counsellors to ensure continuity of services, minimizing the need for employees to repeat their story. Unlike most other EAP providers, who simply operate as a brockerage model, EAP Assist does not use casual counsellors, thus also further ensuring quality control.

What about response time

All services are guaranteed to be delivered within 48 hours or as requested by the client using our online Booking Form at: https://eapassist.com.au/booking-form/

Where is the Helpline NUMBER/ACCESS CODE

Your dedicated company’s Helpline Number/Access Code can only be obtained from your employer once financially registered with our services.

Does EAP Assist refer to other support services

If it is felt that an employee will benefit from other specialist services, such as Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation, these recommendations will be made as promptly as possible. We always endeavour to use community based services to ensure that the employee will not incur costs.

What about family members

Support is also provided to immediate family members, including spouse/partner & teenage children, unless otherwise specified by the employer.

What about ex-employees

Employees who have been terminated, made redundant or who have resigned are able to access support for up to 30 days post seperation, unless otherwise specified by the employer.


If you are an organization, such as a sporting, recreational or other such organization, and wish to support your members’ mental health & well-being you may also choose to partner with EAP Assist. Members receive the exact same degree of high quality support as do all employees.

Face to Face Counselling

Face to face counselling may be recommended by your EAP Assist counsellor for those employees suffering from chronic severe mental health conditions by referral to their General Practioner to access a Mental Health Care Plan.

Promotional Material

Employers are provided with a promotional Flyer containing their dedicated Helpline Number/Access Code as well as details explaining our services. Individual business size Wellness Cards containing contact details are also provided upon request for distribution to staff. There is no charge for promotional material. (Starter Plan limited to 50 Wellness Cards).

How is EAP Assist Different

EAP Assist is the only Australian EAP Provider to employ their counsellors, with all other providers using casual contract staff via a brokerage model. What this means is that when you speak with an EAP Assist counsellor you can be assured that, not only will they have the appropriate qualifications but also extensive experience in providing EAP services, as opposed to possibly speaking with a graduate with no or minimal EAP experience.

Digital Platforms

As well as traditional counselling services EAP Assist facilitates research & evidence based technology driven digital programs for all member employees providing on-demand, prompt, accessible & flexible support at no extra cost. Program are based on Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) which is scientifically proven to be effective. The Online programs include phone and/or chat coaching to manage a range of mental health issues, including depression, anxiety, stress & burnout & can be completed during times that suit the employee. By the completion of each digital program it is assumed that employees will have learnt to inspect their thoughts & change their behaviour adopting tools to become more resilient & more engaged in life & work. Not just an UpRise but a SuperRise in the State of the Art Medical Technology in the delivery of EAP Services. Programs include:

Anxiety & Other Mental Health Issues

Depression & Other Mental Health Issues

Stress Management Program

Posttraumatic Stress Program

Obsessive & Compulsive Program

Insomnia Program

Eating Disorder & Body Image Program

Young Person’s Anxiety Program

Suicide Awareness & Prevention Program

Grief & Bereavement Program

Drug & Alcohol Program

Gambling Program

Anger Management & Relationships Program

Domestic Violence Program

Dietary& Exercise Program

Quit Smoking Program

Pain Management Program

Debt Management Program

Parenting Program

LGBTI Program

Mindfulness Meditation Program

Small Business Owners Program

Work Well Employer’s Program

Symptom Checker Program

My Health Check Program

Workplace Advice Program

New Parents Program

Young Parents Program

Divorce & Separation Program

Panic Attack Program

Healthy Lifestyle Program

Supporting Others Program

Social Anxiety Program

Generalized Anxiety Program

Reduce Your Use Program

Wellness Program

Community Order Toolkit

The Wellbeing Course

My Anxiety Plan

As well as many others


We have a highly proactive focus on mental wellness and we don’t wait for employees to reach out to us as we reach out to them via our daily wellness posts. Through our posts employees can choose to develop a wellbeing skill relevant to them, using digital resources, videos and other educational exercises available on our website. These solutions and educational resources help proactively manage an employees’ mental and physical health before potential issues occur. Past posts can be seen at: https://eapassist.com.au/news/


EAP Assist conducts live, interactive online webinars free to our registered employers. These webinars allow two-way communication where information can be shared freely, easily and in real time resulting in a rich learning experience. Topics include: Mental Health, Depression, Anxiety, Workplace Stress, Self-Care, Vicarious Trauma, Burn-out, Mindfulness, Grounding, Family & Domestic Violence, Alcohol & Other Drugs, Time Management, Self-harm, Suicide Awareness, Understanding Emotions & Anger Awareness & Management. Starter Plan limited to one Webinar annually with all other plans allowed up to four webinars annually. To select and book a Webinar go to: https://eapassist.com.au/webinars/


Leap into our fun, flexible wellness challenges that cover the entire spectrum of employee wellness. These wellness activities are designed to foster healthy habit-forming behaviours from healthy eating, to mindfulness, to team building, to fitness challenges and there is something for everyone. Select a wellness challenge today that is meaningful to you to start your wellness journey. For maximum mental health it is suggested that you complete one wellness challenge each 30 days. Go to: https://eapassist.com.au/wellness-challenges/challenges/

Resilience Training

The EAP Assist Resilience Program has been designed for all employees to help develop coping skills they can use to endure the tough times & quickly bounce back, to face change head-on & come out in a better place. EAP Assist encourages all employees to participate in our Online Resilience Training Program. To login use your dedicated EAP Assist Helpline Number/Access Code.

EAP Assist Wellness Check Up

To assist in the delivery of services employees may take a few minutes to complete our Wellness Check Up Assessment. Employees will then be contacted & provided with professional feedback, advice & support.


The EAP Assist Psychotherapy & Counselling Workbook is generated after completing our comprehensive 220 item Problem Checklist. Once the checklist is completed our state-of-the-art software generates interactive worksheets to address identified needs. Worksheets are based on Cognitive Behaviour Therapy, considered to be the most effective form of therapy for many psychological conditions.


EapAssist Chatbot is a virtual AI-powered mental health companion who listens, understands and provides anonymous support 24×7. EapAssist Chatbot is not designed to replace a counsellor, but it can support you if you have some initial reservations about confidentiality or about seeking professional help or if you are struggling in between counselling session. AI-led support has been shown to improve mental health symptoms with employees often being more likely to initiate a virtual conversation about their mental health. To chat with EapAssist Chatbot go to: https://eapassist.com.au/eapassist-chatbot/


On this page you can listen to a series of mental wellbeing audio guides to help you boost your mood. Go to Wellness Audio.


Our Virtual Care Solution adopts a proactive approach for employee support & is composed of valid & reliable mental health screening tests followed by recommendations to evidence-based self-help resources as well as referral to your EAP Assist counsellor. Mental health concerns can creep up on you at any moment, so employees should have access to quick & easy screening tests. This solution allows employees to promptly assesses their needs & then refers them to appropriate treatment resources & counselling support. The solution focuses on providing every employee with a toolkit of proven skills for managing their wellbeing. To start your Virtual Care Solution go to: Screening Tools

EAP Assist Wellness Assessment

Valid & reliable assessment tools for specific conditions may be found at our Wellness Assessments page including:

Depression Assessment

Anxiety Assessment

General Mental Wellbeing Assessment

Mental Health Self-Assessment Checklist (K-10)

Emotional Intelligence Skills Assessment

Leadership Assessment

Risky Drinking Assessment

Well-being Assessment

Stress Test

Stres, Anxiety & Sadness

Mental Health Meter

Work-Life Balance Quiz

Get Your Mind Plan

How R U Quiz

Healthy Lifestyle Check

Risk Checker

No Money No Time

As well as many others

Wellness Posters

Employers please go to our Employee Wellness Posters page & download wellness posters to display throughout your workplace.

Wellness & Treatment Videos

Please go to our Wellness Videos page to view high quality mental health information.

Please go to our Treatment Videos page to view an extensive range of videos designed to assist in mental health treatment process.

Wellness Fact Sheets

Please go to our Wellness Fact Sheets page to view high quality mental health information.

Treatment Workbooks

The Treatment Workbooks of therapeutic assignments are for our clients to use to help them address their mental health & well-being concerns.

Wellness Newsletter

Employers please go to our Employee Wellness Newsletter page & download wellness newsletters to distribute to your staff.

Workplace Wellness Training Programs

EAP Assist facilitates a range of free online evidence-based workplace mental health & wellbeing training programs to support employers & employees to understand mental health in the workplace & to build positive psychologically safe environments including:

Managing Mental Health Risks at Work

Approaching an Employee you’re Concerned About

Returning to Work

Having a Conversation

Workplace Mental Health Awareness

Managing Employees

Diversity & Discrimination

Workplace Flexibility

Difficult Conversations in the Workplace – Managers Course

Difficult Conversations in the Workplace – Employees Course

Health & Wellbeing Coordinator Training

Sit Less Stand More Training Program

Mental Health in the Workplace Toolbox Training Program

Create a Resume Program

Workplace Health & Wellbeing Coordinator Training

As well as many others


Check out the daily activities for mindfulness below & try practicing one for each day of the month at: https://eapassist.com.au/mindfulness-resources/

Manager Assist

Managers are also encouraged to use our counselling services to obtain advice & support on both workplace & personal issues. To speak with a specialist counsellor call 0414809443 and request a Manager Assist appointment. You may also wish to see: https://eapassist.com.au/wellness-resources-for-managers/


EAP Assist provides short-term support for Human Resource Practitioners, people managers & business owners on aspects relating to HR matters, including general advice on disputes, advise on the hiring process, such as what contracts and award system the employee should be on as well as advise on the process for termination or making someone redundant, review employment documents and advise on employment structure. To commence the process please complete the following form (service is limited to three issues/questions per registration year): https://eapassist.com.au/employer-hr-assist/


EAP Assist provides short-term access to experienced legal advisors to provide support for commercial legal issues including General commercial and business law, Company structuring, Data and privacy compliance, Intellectual Property, trademarks, copyright and other qualified IP-related questions, Employment and workplace law, Information technology law, Cybersecurity, Startup law & E-commerce legal. To commence the process please complete the following form (service is limited to three issues/questions per registration year): https://eapassist.com.au/employer-legal-assist/


EAP Assist provides short-term advice on Occupational Health and Safety matters. Please complete the form below with your Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) question and we will respond as quickly as possible, usually within a few days. We do our best to ensure the information is accurate and up to date but it is only a general overview and you should always also seek further professional advice. To commence the process please complete the following form (service is limited to three issues/questions per registration year): https://eapassist.com.au/employer-ohs-assist/

Ask Eaps

Ask Eaps will assess your mental helth concerns using valid screening tools, email you evidence based tools & resources to address these concerns as well as help you to make an appointment to speak with your EAP Assist counsellor.

EAP Assist Whistleblowing Service

EAP Assist provides an Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) compliant Whistleblower Service to help achieve resolutions & solutions for employees & organisations. This service is free to our registered members & is intended to send a clear message to all staff & other stakeholders that ethical behaviour is a fundamental value of your company.  See: https://eapassist.com.au/whistleblower-program/

Workplace policy documents

Workplace policy documents are rules & principals that aim to giude managers & workers in how to behave in the workplace. They can be in place for numerous different issues such as bullying, harassment, internet use, health & safety, social media & whistleblowing to name a few. To access over 300 workplace policy documents go to:  https://eapassist.com.au/workplace-documents/

Mediation Services/Dispute Resolution

EAP Assist offers a confidential telephone dispute resolution service to assist employees to identify & explore their issues, develop new options, consider alternatives, reconcile conflict, negotiate & reach agreement. Employees are required to initially document their grievance with dates, times & incidents, including any supporting documentation, as well as indicate their desired outcome & provide this by email. Your EAP Assist counsellor will consider the written communication & then liaise with each party in an attempt to resolve the dispute. When agreements are reached they are prepared & sent by email to each party to acknowledge. Workplace Mediation is a means of support offered by the employer, for the benefit of the employee’s emotional wellbeing, not only in the workplace, but generally. To discuss the process please contact your EAP Assist counsellor using your dedicated Helpline Number/Access Code. To commence the process please go to: https://eapassist.com.au/workplace-mediation/

What about Critical Incidents

Counselling for critical incidents, such as death, suicide or serious workplace injury, is provided for employees showing signs of distress. Signs of distress may include social withdrawal, irritability & impaired work performance. Employees dislaying signs of distress should be encouraged to contact soon after the event. Early intervention in the acute stage in the form of support & advice is important to mitigate the risk of long-term psychological injury. Employers are also able to request Critical Incident Group Debriefing Sessions via video conferencing & should contact us following the critical incident to arrange a suitable date & time. Advice can also be given to employers on how best to support their employees post critical incidents.

What about Redundancy & Restructure

EAP Assist can support staff & their families in dealing with redundancy & restructure by:

  • Support employees in dealing with the loss
  • Provide a safe space to listen & validate their experience
  • Give constructive advice in dealing with their families
  • Aid them move to a place where they find hope of future meaningful employment
  • Develop strategies to help maintain & build confidence & resilience
  • Provide practical tips, tools & strategies for job searches & interview skills

What about reporting

Employers may request usage reports quarterly, indicating total hours used only, by forwarding an email with Usage Report in the subject line to: support@eapassist.com.au

In which countries are EAP Assist services provided

EAP Assist provides services to other countries via Whatsapp. Bookings can be made via our Online Booking Form and all appointments are based on Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) and delivered in English.

Languages other than English

For support in languages other than English please use the translator located on the EAP Assist website.

Workplace Feedback

Employees often wish to report issues of concern, such as workplace bullying, harassment or discrimination, but are not always sure the best way of doing so due to various concerns, including retribution, resulting in 75% of such incidents being unreported. When employees are empowered to report freely organizations gain deeper insight into the health of their workplace. To report an issue of concern please complete our Workplace Feedback Form & we will anonymously forward it to your employer.

Workplace Wellness challenges

Workplace wellness challenges are a great way to encourage healthy living amongst employees. The idea is to gamify health challenges and incentivize team members to stick to their health and wellness goals. Challenges can take many forms depending on which area of health your team members are most committed to improving. See: https://eapassist.com.au/workplace-wellness-challenges/


Data is stored in Australia on our administrator’s servers the Next DC datacenter in Sydney. Storage meets PCI compliance for security. PCI DSS is a set of web security standards and requirements that are intended to ensure that any data that is transmitted or stored is done so in a secure environment.

Cancellation Policy

Please note that their is no cancellation policy as once hours are purchased they are immediately allocated to our counsellors and are not refundable.

Legislative Obligations

Australian work, health and safety legislation requires employers to ensure workplaces are safe and healthy for all workers. Employers also have an ethical responsibility to protect and promote the health, safety and welfare of their employees. EAP Assist helps organisations & managers to meet their obligations under the Work Health & Safety Act 2011, particularly:

  1. Protecting workers against harm to health (including mental health), safety and welfare through the elimination or minimisation of risks arising from work
  2. Providing fair and effective workplace representation, consultation, cooperation and issue resolution in relation to work health and safety
  3. Taking a constructive role in promoting improvements in work health and safety practices and achieving a healthier and safer working environment
  4. Promoting the provision of advice, information, education and training in relation to work health and safety

Wearable Technology in the Workplace

As part of our ongoing commitment to the wellbeing of all employees EAP Assist is making Smart Bands (Fitbits) available & affordable. Smart Band health, fitness & wellbeing trackers in the workplace have been shown to effectively help prevent illness & encourage healthier lifestyles. Registered member employers will be provided with Smart Bands to lease at a one-off fee of $15.00 per unit, significantly reducing the normally prohibitive high up-front costs. Employers will be able to give their employees Smart Bands for this one-off lease fee while remaining financially registered with EAP Assist. To order Smart Bands please go to: Wearables Page.

Hearing Aids

The hearing health of employees is directly connected to their overall health & wellbeing. EAP Assist will provide our registered employers with Hearing Aids to lease at a one-off fee of $49.00 per unit, significantly reducing the normally prohibitive high up-front purchase costs. Employers will be able to keep the Hearing Aids for this one-off lease fee while remaining financially registered with EAP Assist. For further information & to order please go to: Hearing Page.

EAP Assist services also include:

Critical Incident Support, Domestic Violence Counselling, Bullying & Harassment Support, Anger Management Counselling, Drug & Alcohol Rehabilitation Counselling, Grief & Bereavement Counselling, Redundancy & Termination Counselling, Resume Writing Advice, Return to Work Support, Financial Counselling & Debt Management Advice, Manager Coaching, Support & Advice, Family & Parenting Counselling, Separation & Divorce Counselling, Physical Fitness Advice, Dietary & Nutritional Advice.

EAP Assist provides services the following industries

Aged care industry, Agricultural industry, Airline operations, Ambulance & patient transport, Amusement, events and recreation industry, Animal care & veterinary services, Asphalt industry, Banking, finance & insurance industry, Broadcasting & recorded entertainment industry, Building services, Building, metal & civil construction industries, Business equipment industry, Cement & concrete products, Children’s services, Cleaning services, Clerical industry, Clothing industry, Commonwealth employment, Contract call centre industry, Corrections and detentions, Dry cleaning & laundry services, Educational services, Electrical contracting industry, Fast food industry, Food, beverages & tobacco manufacturing industry, Funeral directing services, Grain handling industry, Graphic arts, Hair & beauty, Health & welfare services, Hospitality industry, Indigenous organisations & services, Journalism, Licensed & registered clubs, Live performance industry, Local government administration, Manufacturing & associated industries, Marine tourism & charter vessels, Meat industry, Mining industry, Nursery industry, Passenger vehicle transport industry, Pet food manufacturing, Pharmaceutical industry, Plumbing industry, Port authorities, Publishing industry, Quarrying industry, Racing industry, Real estate industry, Restaurants, Retail industry, Road transport industry, Scientific services, Seafood processing, Security services, Social, community, home care & disability services, Sporting organisations, Stevedoring industry, Storage services, Telecommunications services, Textile industry, Timber & paper products industry, Tourism industry, Vehicle industry. Waste management industry, Water, sewerage & drainage services, Wine industry & Wool industry.

Do we provide EAP services to all employers

EAP Assist reserves the right to refuse the provision of services to employers who have been deemed to have repeatedly breached workers’ Human Rights.

Cost Comparison: How much do other Employee Assistance Program Providers charge

In order to assist employers to make an informed choice below is a list of EAP Providers. (Costs may not be current so employers are advised to make their own enquirees). For further cost comparison data you may also wish to see: http://eap.org.au/eap-costs/

When comparing EAP Assist with other providers please note that we have no registration or management fees & counselling is capped between $40 – $60 p/h.


LifeWorks offer 3 Packages, Basic, Standard & Premium. Basic is an entry level package for small sized organisations and requires a $300 + GST set-up fee & then telephone or face-to-face counselling are charged between $180 to $220 per session. Standard & Premium Packages have higher costs & include a few more services.


AssureCare: A self-referral service which involves an annual retainer + sessional rates for services. The retainer is $10 per employee (minimum $1,000 + GST per annum). Sessional rates start at $190 + GST per session. AssureFirst: Ad-hoc support via a manager referral only, billed when the service is accessed. EAP & critical incident services billed at a rate of $300 + GST and $330 + GST per hour.


Retainer & fee for service model comprised of an annual administration fee, based on staff numbers, plus monthly invoicing for services. The fee paid in advance is $4574 (25 hours) plus a retainer & fee for service of $1525. Phone & face-to-face counselling are then billed from $185 to $260 per hour. Pricing options & services may differ depending on individual client needs.


Eudoxia provides phone counselling as well as face to face sessions. Annual registration fee based on total employee population plus counselling fees of $185 per hour.


Phone & face-to- face counselling with other services available at additional costs. Annual registration fee is $990 plus $155 per session.

Occupational Assistance Service (OAS)

Phone & face-to- face counselling with other services available at additional costs. Annual retainer fee required plus $165 to $231 per session.


Basic EAP Contract with counselling costs from $180 to $244 per hour plus two other contract options with higher cost & service structures.

Relationships Australia

An annual EAP Contract Management Fee with a minimal charge of $660 per annum, with costs increasing according to staff numbers, number of delivery sites, complexity of processing plus $165 per session for telephone or face-to-face counselling.

Prima Careers

Phone or face-to-face counselling with costs ranging from $210 to $310 per session.


An average set up fee of around $4,000 plus counselling fees from $149 – $250 p/h.

  • Eap Assist believes the above indicative information to be correct at the time of publication & employers are recommended to contact the individual EAP providers for their current costs & charges.

EAP Assist 

EAP Assist is a fully owned Australian company established in 2008 working in the best interest of employers & employees & retains its professional integrity & independence providing well marketed, high quality, effective & efficient low cost EAP services throughout Australia & worldwide. EAP Assist is a member of EAP.ORG.AU which is the peak body representing Australian employers, practitioners & providers that use and deliver Employee Assistance Programs.