Displaying Compassion towards Yourself

Displaying Compassion towards Yourself

Self-compassion emphasizes the importance of treating oneself with the same kindness, concern and support that one would show to a good friend. Self-compassion comprises three core components: self-kindness, common humanity and mindfulness. These elements work...
Displaying Compassion towards Yourself

Working on Gratitude

Gratitude is about recognising and appreciating the positive aspects of our lives. When we take a moment to reflect on what we are thankful for, we activate a multitude of psychological and physical benefits. Research has consistently shown that practicing gratitude...
Displaying Compassion towards Yourself

Promoting Resilience

Below are four strategies to promote your personal resilience: Be a person of action. Being idle can lead to less resilience, but being active and tackling your problems head-on can promote your ability to deal with tough situations. Try to avoid ruminating over...
Displaying Compassion towards Yourself

Working on Sleep Anxiety

Sleep anxiety, also known as somniphobia, is a condition where individuals experience excessive worry or fear about sleep or the inability to sleep. This anxiety can create a cycle where the fear of not sleeping makes it harder to fall asleep, leading to further sleep...
Displaying Compassion towards Yourself

Managing your Expectations

Expectations are defined as a strong belief that something will happen, that someone will or should do something. The problem of expectation occurs when we expect something to happen without good reasons for that expectation. Many of us at some point have mistakenly...