Below are effective online Self-Help programs to support your mental health. Learn a step-by-step way of tackling feelings of stress, anxiety and low mood with clinically proven online programs. These scientifically supported online programs are designed to help you tackle psychological difficulties in a way that’s:

Discreet: ​Programs can be accessed anonymously online.

Convenient​: Programs are designed to help you learn practical and effective strategies anytime, anywhere.

Effective​: Programs teach clinically proven techniques and have been shown to significantly reduce symptoms.

Free: When referred via your EAP Assist Counsellor

All of the courses have been:

1. Designed by mental health experts, including world leading doctors, psychologists and mental health researchers from the University of New South Wales and St Vincent’s Hospital, Sydney, Australia.

2. Scientifically tested and shown to work – 80% of people see a significant reduction in their anxiety and/or depression, and 50% are no longer troubled by their anxiety and/or depression.

3. Designed to help you stay on track, monitor your progress, and get the most out of each lesson with email reminders, a library of extra resources, and recovery stories.

How to Get Started

Step 1 – Choose: Select a program that is relevant to the difficulties you are experiencing. (Please select & complete only one program at a time).

Step 2 – Enrol: Complete the Get Started link and once the program is emailed to you enrol using the sign-up prompts on the screen.

Step 3 – Begin: The most important step is to start! We know that the programs work, but you have to implement the strategies you learn to improve.

Step 4 – If you have any issues with registering or completing the program please contact:

Anxiety and Depression Program

Anxiety and Depression Program

This course was introduced because many people often experience both anxiety and depression. Therefore, this new program is designed to treat symptoms of depression and anxiety. In this course you will learn how to tackle and improve symptoms of mixed anxiety and depression, including persistent worry and sadness, physical tension and lack of energy, fear of uncertainty, and loss of interest or pleasure in your usual activities.

Mindfulness-Enhanced CBT Program for Mixed Depression and Anxiety

Mindfulness-Enhanced CBT Program for Mixed Depression and Anxiety

This program is based on the Mixed Anxiety and Depression Course –our most popular course – and it incorporates principles of both Cognitive Behavioural Therapy and Mindfulness Training. CBT and mindfulness have both proven to be helpful in treating anxiety and depression. In this course you will learn how to tackle and improve symptoms of mixed anxiety and depression, including persistent worry and sadness, physical tension and lack of energy, fear of uncertainty, and loss of interest or pleasure in your usual activities. This course includes guided mindfulness exercises that can be downloaded or streamed online.

Generalised Anxiety Program

Generalised Anxiety Program

Generalised Anxiety Disorder or GAD is a condition where individuals experience months of uncontrollable and excessive worry about a number of areas in their life. In this course you will learn how to tackle and improve symptoms of generalised anxiety including persistent and excessive worry, fear of uncertainty, and physical tension.

Depression Program

Depression Program

Depression is a condition in which individuals experience persistent sadness and/or loss of interest in activities. Other symptoms include inability to concentrate, feelings of worthlessness, as well as thoughts of suicide. In this course you will learn how to tackle and improve symptoms of depression including persistent sadness, lack of energy, and loss of interest or pleasure in your usual activities. In this 6 lesson program you will learn how to tackle symptoms of depression including persistent sadness, lack of energy, and loss of interest.

Panic Program

Panic Program

Panic Disorder is a condition where people experience frequent panic attacks, in which they experience intense fear as well as physical symptoms such as heart palpitations and shortness of breath. Individuals with this disorder worry about having panic attacks and tend to avoid situations in which they fear they may experience a panic attack. In this course you will learn how to tackle and improve symptoms of panic disorder, including intense physical sensations, fear of having a panic attack and a resulting avoidance of certain activities, places or situations. This program provides information about how panic disorder develops, and practical strategies and techniques to overcome symptoms. It involves six lessons to be completed over a 12 week period.

Social Anxiety Program

Social Anxiety Program

Social Anxiety is condition where people experience overwhelming fear of negative evaluation from others. Individuals with social phobia avoid social and/or performance situations in which they may be judged by others. In this 6 lesson course you will learn how to tackle and improve symptoms of social phobia including persistent fear of being judged or possible embarrassment, and a resulting avoidance of or difficulty being in social situations.

Health Anxiety Program

Health Anxiety Program

Health Anxiety is typified by feeling overly anxious about having or developing serious illnesses or diseases, and is also known as illness anxiety disorder. Health anxiety is treatable. This program is designed for people who are excessively worried that they might either have or will develop a serious disease. In this course you will learn how to tackle and improve symptoms of health anxiety, including persistent and excessive worry about having or developing an illness.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Program

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Program

Social Anxiety is condition where people experience overwhelming fear of negative evaluation from others. Individuals with social phobia avoid social and/or performance situations in which they may be judged by others. In this 6 lesson course you will learn how to tackle and improve symptoms of social phobia including persistent fear of being judged or possible embarrassment, and a resulting avoidance of or difficulty being in social situations.

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) can occur after a traumatic event. People with this condition are troubled by distressing memories or thoughts about the trauma, avoid memories and other reminders about what happened, and experience intense anxiety, sadness, or anger. In this course you will learn how to tackle and improve symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder, such as intrusive and distressing memories or flashbacks of the traumatic event(s).

Teen Worry and Sadness

Teen Worry and Sadness

Navigating the teenage years means facing many challenges, like dealing with worry and sadness. Whilst it’s normal to feel sad and worried from time to time, sometimes these feelings can stick around for longer than expected and become distressing, uncontrollable, affect everyday life, relationships, health or self-esteem. To help equip young people (aged 12-17), and their parents, with proven and effective tools to transition into early adulthood, and better cope with these feelings, we have created the TeenSTRONG program.

Pregnancy Anxiety and Depression Program

Pregnancy Anxiety and Depression Program

In this 3 lesson program, you will learn how to tackle anxiety and depression during pregnancy and gain ‘MUMentum’. The program was developed by world-leading researchers and clinicians from St Vincent’s Hospital and UNSW.

Postnatal Anxiety and Depression Program

Postnatal Anxiety and Depression Program

People with anxiety and depression experience excessive worry, persistent sadness, and avoid situations they feel they cannot cope with. In this 3 lesson program you will learn how to tackle postnatal symptoms of anxiety and depression, and re-gain your ‘MUMentum’. The program was developed by world-leading researchers and clinicians from St Vincent’s Hospital and UNSW.

Student Wellbeing Program

Student Wellbeing Program

University can be a really busy time, whether you’ve just started your degree or are finishing your final year. From meeting new people, to taking responsibility for your learning, to balancing study with friends, family, and work, there’s a lot to juggle. This program is designed to teach you skills that can help you manage stress and improve your mental wellbeing, so that you can get the most out of your university experience.

Stress Management Program

Stress Management Program

All people experience stress from time to time. However, excessive or chronic stress can take a toll on your mental and physical health. Learning skills to manage your stress more effectively can be beneficial when you are overwhelmed by stress. This free, self-help course contains 4 lessons during which you will learn how to tackle and improve chronic stress to reduce its impact on your life.

Mindfulness Program

Mindfulness Program

Mindfulness is a specialised skill in mental awareness, attention, and acceptance that is associated with numerous health benefits. This free, self-help course consists of 4 lessons to and teaches introductory skills in mindfulness, including guided relaxation exercises.

Insomnia Program

Insomnia Program

Insomnia involves difficulties getting to sleep and maintaining sleep. This free, short course has been designed to give you the practical skills better manage insomnia in order to improve your sleep. In this course you will learn how to tackle and improve symptoms of insomnia, such as persistent difficulty initiating and/or maintaining sleep and is intended for adults who have been experiencing insomnia for at least 3 months.

Chronic Pain

Chronic Pain

This course has been designed to give you the practical skills better manage your chronic pain in order to improve your quality of life. The course contains 8 lessons to be completed over 120 days. In this course you will learn how to tackle symptoms of chronic pain and improve your quality of life