What is Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a condition that involves disturbances of perception, behaviour, emotion and thought. Usually, it develops first among teenagers and young adults. Signs of schizophrenia are: Psychotic symptoms: Hallucinations and delusions (seeing and/or hearing...

What is Workplace Stress?

Stress is the body’s way of responding to demands or pressures. Everyone feels stressed from time to time, and not all stress is bad. Prolonged exposure to stress, or intense stress, can have negative effects. People respond to and recover from stress...

Financial Stress & Mental Health

Several countries around the world, including Australia, are in an economic downturn that is causing financial stress. In Australia, one-third of people are carrying high levels of personal debt. Some are suffering from mortgage stress where their homes are worth less...

Great Leaders

According to a recent survey of 12,000 members of the Institute of Managers and Leaders Australia and New Zealand the seven attributes which make a great leader are: Respect  Respect in some ways can feel like a tainted concept. Not long ago, it was based more on your...