Engaging at Work

Most of us know that feeling, when work is struggling to hold our attention and we’re wishing we were somewhere else. If we’re lucky, we know the opposite feeling too. The energy and excitement from a job well done, or a challenge we’re keen to...

Mental Health Training in the Workplace

A new study has found that managers with access to mental health training in their workplaces have an improved understanding of mental health overall and that they actively work to help prevent mental health issues in the people they manage. In Sweden, managers are...

Improving your Stress Symptoms

Physical symptoms of stress include a pounding heart, an upset stomach, rapid pulse, cold hands, dry mouth, unexpected perspiration, skin rashes, diarrhea, insomnia, recurrent colds, headaches, fatigue, and muscle tension. Emotional symptoms of...

Increasing your Stress Resilience

Webster’s dictionary defines resilience as: The ability to bounce back after being stretched, bent or compressed. In human terms this means being able to roll with the punches, never taking criticism too seriously and getting right back up after a fall. If you aspire...

Preventing Employee Burnout

Stress can seem like an inevitable consequence of a fast-paced work environment. However, when it reaches chronic levels, it can result in what the World Health Organization describes as an “occupational hazard” known as burnout. In the latest ICD-11 the WHO defines...