The five domains of a thriving workplace are presented below along with the indicators that apply (according to SuperFriend’s annual survey of 5000 workers):
Leaders work with their teams using a strengths-based and coaching mindset. They are positive role models and set an example for healthy and productive workplace behaviours and interactions. Organisations should understand the importance of education, resources, time and tools to develop capable leaders.
- Leaders are accessible when you need them and will listen.
- There is a clear expectation that all leaders should role model the values of the workplace.
- To improve work performance, leaders provide useful and constructive feedback.
- Leaders create a sense of cohesion within work teams.
- Leaders can be seen to proactively encourage and promote good mental health policies and practices.
- Leaders actively provide opportunities to develop professionally.
- Leaders act as champions for their work teams.
- Reward and recognition are received for good work
Positive, high quality interpersonal connections are essential to maintaining positive mental health and wellbeing. They are the fabric of teamwork and collaboration. Having a shared vision and knowing how their role fits into the organisational framework can unite workers, creating purpose and meaningful work. Trust, fairness and social inclusiveness are outcomes where positive interpersonal connections occur.
- People in the workplace are courteous and treat each other with respect.
- People in the workplace feel that they are part of a team.
- Relationships in the workplace are built on trust.
- Everyone works together effectively, particularly when trying to accomplish difficult goals.
- People identify with the workplace.
- There is a strong sense that people have a shared purpose.
- People in the workplace care about each other.
- Work feels like a community where people support each other beyond just getting the work done.
Organisational systems and formal processes drive the development of mental health-focused workplace policy. These policies are actively implemented in the workplace. A clear strategy or policy on mental health and wellbeing should exist, and be understood, visible and accessible to all workers.
1.There are effective policies and practices against workplace bullying and harassment.
- There is easy access to confidential counselling or support services.
- There are policies to ensure that any changes in the workplace are managed in a clear, supportive and positive way.
- There are clear structures in place to ensure transparent decision making.
- There is good return to work policies and practices for those who have time off with mental health conditions.
- There is a good mental health policy, strategy or action plan.
- The mental health policy, strategy or action plan can be seen in action.
- There is a policy to ensure that all leaders regularly participate in mental health and wellbeing training.
Supporting positive mental health and wellbeing by building and applying workers’ skills is an organisational asset. When organisational systems and processes promote the use of these skills, it’s a visible demonstration of the organisation’s culture and values. This can help differentiate an employer brand and make a workplace desirable.
- People can successfully overcome most of the challenges they face.
- People are generally highly engaged with their work.
- People rarely feel bored or disengaged.
- The talents, skills and competencies of the workforce are well utilised.
- Team leaders make sure people have the resources to do the job.
- People feel comfortable voicing concerns about their job or the things that might affect their job.
- There is access to mental health and wellbeing education (i.e. information, training).
- People in the workplace have the skills and expertise to support each other’s mental health and wellbeing.
Positive organisational culture is essential to both individual and organisational performance. Organisational culture is the unwritten and unspoken guidelines for what is and what isn’t acceptable within a workplace. An organisation’s purpose, structure, unstated norms, values, rules and routines form foundations of culture. When organisational culture includes a strong people focus, it creates a ripple effect for positive mental health and wellbeing and acknowledges that people are key to success.
- People would be happy to continue working in their workplace for as long as they can.
- People feel committed to their work team.
- People are motivated to work hard because their job is interesting and important to them personally.
- People feel good about working at their workplace.
- The experiences at work contribute positively to the mental health of people.
- There is support to help people practice good work/family/life integration.
- Efforts are made to help people find purpose and meaning in their work.
- The culture encourages open discussion about issues that affect mental health and wellbeing
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