EAP Assist has introduced a further four new technology driven digital programs free for members providing research based on-demand prompt, accessible & flexible support imcluding: A Mental Health Wellbeing Program, A Dietary, Exercise & Alcohol Program, An Anger Management & Relationships Program, A Suicide Awareness & Prevention Program, A Debt Management Program, A Domestic Violence Program, LGBTI Program, A Drug & Alcohol Program & An Eating Disorder & Body Image Program.
Mental Health Wellbeing Program
EAP Assist now facilitates a comprehensive research based online digital platform for the assessment & treatment of anxiety, stress, depression & other mental health issues to enhance emotional wellbeing – making minds happier. It is recommended that employees with mental health concerns consider using this service.
Even if you do not currently have a mental health concern you may still wish to complete the Online Assessment & courses as preventative wellness training for good mental health. We would like to see as many employees as possible participating in this service to teach them skills that may prevent future stress & improve resilience.
Dietary, Exercise & Alcohol Program
EAP Assist also now facilitates a confidential phone coaching service that provides information & support for employees to make healthy lifestyle changes, including healthy eating, being physically active & achieving & maintaining a healthy weight as well as alcohol reduction.
The service offers coaching calls with a personal health coach providing information & practical tips on topics such as healthy eating & being physically active. When people are supported by a professional health coach, they can measurably improve their health. It’s all about following a structured plan and taking small steps towards healthier behaviours.
Anger Management & Relationships Program
EAP Assist now also facilitates access for men to qualified counsellors, via phone or online, specialised in family and relationship issues, including anger management, relationship breakdown, separation & divorce, parenting, family violence & emotional well-being.
All staff managing telephone or online counselling services are qualified professional counsellors, social workers or psychologists, trained to follow a contextual counselling and problem-solving process to listen, understand you & help you find ways to feel better.
Suicide Awareness & Prevention Program
EAP Assist further facilitates access to a national 24/7 telehealth that offers professional phone and online counselling to assist with suicide-related issues.
Help is provided to anyone who is feeling suicidal, caring for someone who is feeling suicidal or anyone who has lost someone to suicide.
Debt Management Program
EAP Assist facilitates information, support & advocacy to assist people in financial difficulty provided by financial counsellors.
Financial counsellors have an extensive knowledge of a range of areas of law & policy, including consumer credit law, debt enforcement practices, the bankruptcy regime, industry hardship policies & government concession frameworks.
Domestic Violence Program
Support by a trained counsellor can help you to understand if what you are going through is domestic, family or sexual violence, talk about ways to improve your safety & help with things you may be worried about, such as: what will I do about money, a place to live, children & employment, if you leave.
LGBTI Program
EAP Assist facilitates access to webchat & telephone counselling with expereined staff for LGBTI individuals wanting to talk about a range of issues including sexuality, identity, gender, bodies, feelings & relationships.
A Drug & Alcohol Program
EAP Assist facilitates access to phone or chat by text with professional drug & alcohol counsellors who work from the individual’s identified needs & help assess their situation, provide information & support & provide referral options to make informed choices.
An Eating Disorder & Body Image Program
EAP Assist facilitates access to free support for anyone concerned by an eating disorder or body image issue. Talk, chat or email with counsellors experienced in supporting people affected by an eating disorder with information, counselling & guidance on treatment options.
To access these programs go to: https://eapassist.com.au/digital/