The list below contains actions that you can take to respond to actual or potential concerns related to Psychological Support in the workplace. Many of these actions have been found to be effective in research studies, recommended as best practices or have been found valuable in applied settings:
- Work to eliminate the stigmatization of those facing mental health challenges
- Develop formal and informal networks to support management, human resources teams and union representatives when dealing with employee mental health issues
- Incorporate best practices for primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of employee mental health issues
- Create a workplace culture where it is safe to discuss mental health issues without fear of discrimination
- Provide education and training to all staff to heighten mental health awareness
- Provide additional education about mental health issues to all staff whose role involves leading, supporting or managing (e.g., human resources teams, health and safety representatives, union representatives)
- Create opportunities for training and/or mentoring to enhance interpersonal and people management skills
- Provide training and/or mentoring to help deal appropriately and supportively with employees who have possible mental health concerns
- Supply the tools and supports (including time and incentives) needed to succeed in supporting employees with mental health concerns
- Review third-party providers of psychological services to ensure adherence to evidence- based practices and focus on work function
- Train or engage peer-support workers focused on mental health issues Communication
- Encourage respectful workplace communication where psychological health concerns can be discussed safely and openly
- Ensure widespread awareness of company benefits and programs that employees can access to address their psychological health concerns
- Share community or online resources to help with psychological health concerns
- Maintain regular and supportive communication with employees who are off work due to mental health concerns
- Provide comprehensive benefits that support employee mental health (i.e., EAPs)
- Provide or link to early intervention supports and programs for employees who may have psychological health concerns.
- When appropriate, help employees to obtain assessment of psychological function to determine treatment and accommodation needs
- Create “stay-at-work” policies and programs to assist those who remain at work while dealing with mental health concerns (including formal and informal accommodations)
- Develop programs and procedure to address occupation-specific risks to psychological health and safety
- Identify a contact person who is knowledgeable about mental health issues and is responsible for facilitating healthy and successful work-returns
- Collaborate with employees to create detailed return-to-work plans that include a range of options for coping with mental health concerns (e.g., graduated return-to-work). It is important to ensure coordination among key participants in the return to work process.
- Consider a range of accommodation options (both formal and informal) for employees returning to work following an absence due to mental health concerns
- In collaboration with employees and/or union representatives, create plans to ensure sustained work-return, including strategies to deal with possible relapse