Being Happier Each & Every Day

Six ways to be a little bit happier each and every day: Have a Positive Attitude This doesn’t mean you don’t have down times. Life is not a bed of roses. Here the difficulties come and go which you have to deal appropriately. The best way to spend a remarkable...

Engaging at Work

Most of us know that feeling, when work is struggling to hold our attention and we’re wishing we were somewhere else. If we’re lucky, we know the opposite feeling too. The energy and excitement from a job well done, or a challenge we’re keen to...

Developing Stress Outlets

Meditation, deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation can decrease heart rate, lower blood pressure, diminish muscle tension and reduce blood sugar and cholesterol levels. These activities restore balance to the body and lower your stress. Deep...

What is Schizophrenia?

Schizophrenia is a condition that involves disturbances of perception, behaviour, emotion and thought. Usually, it develops first among teenagers and young adults. Signs of schizophrenia are: Psychotic symptoms: Hallucinations and delusions (seeing and/or hearing...

What is Phobia?

Phobia is more than feeling worried. It is excessive and unrealistic feelings of panic and/or dread about a situation or object. Common examples are fear of enclosed spaces like lifts (claustrophobia), fear of open spaces (agoraphobia) or fear of dogs (cynophobia)....