The K10 is widely recommended as a simple measure of psychological distress.

Answer the following ten questions using the scale below:

  1. None of the time
  2. A little of the time
  3. Some of the time
  4. Most of the time
  5. All of the time


  1. In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel tired out for no good reason?


  1. In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel nervous?


  1. In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel so nervous that nothing could calm you down?


  1. In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel hopeless?


  1. In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel restless or fidgety?


  1. In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel so restless you could not sit still?


  1. In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel depressed?


  1. In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel that everything was an effort?


  1. In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel so sad that nothing could cheer you up?


  1. In the past 4 weeks, about how often did you feel worthless?


Scoring Key

Individuals who score under 20 are likely to be well
Individuals who score 20-24 are likely to have mild psychological distress
Individuals who score 25-29 are likely to have moderate psychological distress
Individuals who score 30 and over are likely to have severe psychological distress