Half of all Australians will experience a mental health problem in their lifetime, with around 20% affected every year by conditions such as depression and anxiety.


This increasing prevalence of mental health issues has heightened the need for Australian organisations to refocus their duty of care to their employees.


An Employee Assistance Program, also known as an EAP, is an employer funded counselling service to help employees deal with social and emotional problems that impact on their well-being and on their work.


Workplace benefits of an EAP often include improved job satisfaction, increased performance and productivity as well as reduced staff turnover and absenteeism.


Eap Assist provides a national Helpline allowing immediate support to all Australian workers delivered by experienced counsellors.


Our Helpline counsellors assist employees to understand and clarify their issues of concern, identify and explore options and develop plans to find constructive solutions.


Eap Assist is also extremely cost effective, with our hourly counselling rate being significantly less than all other EAP providers.


Clients include small, medium and large employers with between 5 to 5000 employees and with corresponding EAP Plans to suit their organization.


Eap Assist provides employers with an extremely efficient and cost effective solution in the provision of their duty of care to their employees.


Email us today to discuss your company’s requirements on support@eapassist.com.au