Below are three practical suggestions you can adopt daily to cultivate joy in your life:

Turn Worry into Wonder

This strategy is one of the fastest ways to get out of the frantic pattern of overthinking and worry-filled “what-if” thoughts. The key is to think the opposite of your worry thought. It’s to build a more optimistic and hopeful perspective. It’s to see possibility and promise. Which is very different from putting blinders on or pretending everything is perfect.

Another way to change your perspective is by thinking about how you’d support a close friend or your child or a younger you. What would you tell them? If you’re still stuck, discuss your worries with a friend who’s regularly optimistic. How do they see your worries? What helps them in cultivating a more hopeful viewpoint?

See Life as an Adventure

Cultivate joy by seeing life as an unfolding, creative adventure. Which you can do by becoming more present in your life and appreciating the moment. This includes relinquishing your expectations and accepting what is. It includes seeing and embracing the magic in every moment—big or small.

Everything becomes a beautiful adventure; sitting at home playing with loved ones can be just as rewarding as the big peak experiences we chase.

The key is to use your senses to experience the moment as though you were experiencing it for the very first time. Which is also a powerful way to connect to your loved ones and to connect to yourself. Because when you have this kind of perspective, you don’t take moments for granted.

Instead of being on the periphery or on the sidelines of a moment, you’re inside it. You’re an active participant in your own life, joyfully savouring even the most seemingly mundane moments, realizing just how meaningful they really are.

Be Honest with Yourself 

Instead of trying to be what you think the world wants you to be, be more of who you truly are.  And you can start small. Start by identifying your needs and wants and actually act on them. Pursue the activities that excite and fascinate you. Engage in what recharges and rejuvenates you. Express a differing opinion with a close friend. Express a different preference (I’d prefer to go to this restaurant versus that one).

Delve deeper to better understand how you’re feeling—and validate those feelings. Journal about them. Welcome them. Don’t judge yourself for being mad when you supposedly shouldn’t be angry.

Be honest, too, about what’s bothering you and what boundaries you need to set.

For further support & advice contact EAP Assist.