Unhelpful thoughts can act as barriers to engaging in activities for your wellbeing. You can start to overcome these by trying these 3 steps:   

Identify the thoughts that are getting in the way. Are any of these examples familiar to you?  

  • Others will think I’m selfish if I take a lunch break  
  • I don’t have any time to do something nice for myself  
  • My friends are probably busy so I shouldn’t bother them   

Challenge these unhelpful thoughts by questioning them and considering other perspectives using the below questions: 

  • Is there evidence to support this thought, or is it unlikely to be true? 
  • What would I say to a friend having this thought? 
  • What is a more helpful, encouraging way to think about this situation? 

Shift your unhelpful thoughts to a more balanced outlook 

  • I wouldn’t think my colleagues were selfish for taking a break. It’s important I take breaks too. Taking a break will help me to refocus and be more present when I return to work 
  • It’s true that I am time-poor at the moment, but I could do something small that is still enjoyable. I’m going to spend 15 minutes reading during my morning commute rather than checking my phone 
  • I know my friends are busy, but I can still reach out to say hi and arrange a time to see them soon 

Some small daily actions for our wellbeing 
We suggest doing activities that are meaningful and enjoyable for you, staying connected with others and building up regular healthy habits. We encourage you to take a moment and think about which of these types of activities are currently part of your day to day, and which might you be able to add into your daily routine.   Listed below are examples of different small daily actions that you might like to try and add into your daily routine. You can ‘pick and mix’ the small actions that appeal to you and try out different ones each day. Once you find those that work, try to prioritise time each day for your wellbeing by following through with the activity.  

  • Engage in meaningful and enjoyable activities: Identify something that’s important to you and make time for this activity each day. This might mean eating dinner with your family each night, making it a priority to read a book before you go to bed, ending the day with some journaling or listening to music.  
  • Practice healthy habits: Take time to put your wellbeing first each day, whether it’s starting your morning with a five minute meditation or short walk, enjoying a cup of tea in your work or study break without checking emails, cooking a balanced and tasty dinner, or reducing screen-time before bed.   
  • Stay connected: Connecting with others is important for our wellbeing as social beings. You can try connecting in small ways, smiling at passers-by, booking in a catch-up with a friend, colleague or family member, asking someone how their day is going, sending a text or email to a friend.