In spite
of the daunting challenges, there are a handful of steps that can promote
better sleep during the coronavirus pandemic. If these efforts don’t pay
off immediately, don’t give up. It can take time to stabilize your sleep, and
you may find that you need to adapt these suggestions to best fit your specific
Set Your Schedule and Routine
Establishing a routine can facilitate a sense of normalcy even in abnormal
times. It’s easier for your mind and body to acclimate to a consistent sleep
schedule, which is why health experts have long recommended avoiding major
variation in your daily sleep times.
Sleep-specific aspects of your daily schedule should include:
- Wake-Up Time: Set your alarm, bypass the snooze button, and have a fixed time to get every day started.
- Wind-Down Time: This is an important time to relax and get ready for bed. It can involve things like light reading, stretching and meditating along with preparations for bed like putting on pyjamas and brushing your teeth. Given the stress of the coronavirus pandemic, it’s wise to give yourself extra wind-down time each night.
- Bedtime: Pick a consistent time to actually turn out the lights and try to fall asleep.
In addition to time spent sleeping and getting ready for bed, it can be helpful to incorporate steady routines to provide time cues throughout the day, including:
- Showering and getting dressed even if you aren’t leaving the house.
- Eating meals at the same time each day.
- Blocking off specific time periods for work and exercise.
Your Bed For Sleep
Sleep experts emphasize the importance of creating an association in your mind
between your bed and sleep. For this reason, they recommend that sleep and sex
be the only activities that take place in your bed.
This means that working-from-home shouldn’t be working-from-bed. It also means
avoiding bringing a laptop into bed to watch a movie or series.
On any given night, if you find that you’re having a hard time sleeping, don’t
spend more than 20 minutes tossing and turning. Instead, get out of bed and do
something relaxing in very low light, and then head back to bed to try to fall
Frequently changing your sheets, fluffing your pillows, and making your bed can
keep your bed feeling fresh, creating a comfortable and inviting setting to
doze off.
See the Light
Exposure to light plays a crucial role in helping our bodies regulate sleep in
a healthy way. As you deal with disruptions to daily life, you may need to take
steps so that light-based cues have a positive effect on your circadian rhythm.
- If you can, spend some time outside in natural light. Even if the sun isn’t shining brightly, natural light still has positive effects on circadian rhythm. Many people find outdoor time is most beneficial in the morning, and as an added bonus, it’s an opportunity to get fresh air.
- As much as possible, open windows and blinds to let light into your home during the day.
- Be mindful of screen time. The blue light produced by electronic devices, such as mobile phones, tablets, and computers, has been found to interfere with the body’s natural sleep-promoting processes. As much as possible, avoid using these devices for an hour before bed. You can also use device settings or special apps that reduce or filter blue light.
Be Careful
with Naps
If you’re home all day, you may be tempted to take more naps. While a short
power nap early in the afternoon can be useful to some people, it’s best to
avoid long naps or naps later in the day that can hinder night-time
Stay Active
It’s easy to overlook exercise with everything happening in the world, but
regular daily activity has numerous important benefits, including for
If you can go for a walk while maintaining a safe distance from other people,
that’s a great option. If not, there is a wealth of resources online for all
types and levels of exercise.
Practice Kindness and Foster Connection
It might not seem critical to your sleep, but kindness and connection can
reduce stress and its harmful effects on mood and sleep.
Despite all the bad news that you may come across, try to find some positive
stories, such as how people are supporting one another through the pandemic.
You can use technology to stay in touch with friends and family so that you can
maintain social connections despite the need for social distancing.
Utilize Relaxation Techniques
Finding ways to relax can be a potent tool in improving your sleep. Deep
breathing, stretching, yoga, mindfulness meditation, calming music, and quiet
reading are just a few examples of relaxation techniques that you can build
into your routines. If you’re not sure where to get started go to:
Another relaxation strategy during this pandemic is to avoid becoming
overwhelmed by coronavirus-related news. For example, you can try techniques
- Bookmarking one or two trusted news sites and visiting them only during a limited, pre-set amount of time each day.
- Cutting down the total time that you spend scrolling on social media. If you want a hand in this effort, a number of apps can monitor and even block your time on social media sites or apps each day.
- Scheduling phone or video calls with friends and family and agreeing in advance to focus on topics other than the coronavirus.
Watch What You Eat and Drink
Keeping a healthy diet can promote good sleep. In particular, be cautious with
the intake of alcohol and caffeine, especially later in the day, as both can
disrupt the quantity and quality of your sleep.
Contact EAP Assist
If you have severe or worsening sleep or other problems, it is advisable to be
in touch with your EAP Assist counsellor.