Below are the 2019 Indicators of a Thriving Workplace Survey National Report by SuperFriend, from research involving over 10,000 Australian workers in a broad range of industries and occupations. The survey tracked the progress of workplace mental health and wellbeing across Australia against an ideal or desired state and is a representative sample of Australia’s workforce.

Business owners, managers and workers in small, medium and large organisations from different industries across Australia participated in the survey. Insights were captured from over 15,000 workers across Australia using the same indicators over the last two years. (*Comparative statistics for 2018/2019)

Below is an overview of the 40 scientifically-validated indicators which are known to be optimal for worker mental health and business success. The indicators cover the five key domains of thriving workplaces: leadership, connectedness, policy, capability and culture. These indicators are useful in helping your business understand and address mental health and wellbeing in your workplace and industry, and working towards positive change.


  1. There is a clear expectation that all leaders should role model the values of the workplace 23.2% 21.6% *
  2. Leaders are accessible when you need them and will listen 22.7% 20.5%
  3. Leaders provide useful and constructive feedback to improve work performance 17.7% 16.9%
  4. Leaders can be seen to proactively encourage and promote good mental health policies and practices 15.1% 16.1%
  5. Leaders actively provide opportunities to develop professionally 15.2% 15.4%
  6. Leaders create a sense of cohesion within work teams 16.3% 15.3%
  7. Reward and recognition are received for good work 13.9% 15.1%
  8. Leaders act as champions for their work teams 14.8% 13.9%


  • People feel that they are part of a team 24.9% 24.8%
  • People are courteous and treat me with respect 26.2% 24.7%
  • Relationships are built on trust 20.5% 20.5%
  • There is a strong sense that people have a shared purpose 19.5% 19.7%
  • Everyone works together effectively, particularly when trying to accomplish difficult goals 19.5% 19.1%
  • People identify with the workplace 19.6% 18.6%
  • Work feels like a community where people support each other beyond just getting the work done 17.9% 18.1%
  • People care about each other 18.3% 17.7%


  1. There are effective policies and practices against workplace bullying and harassment 21.3% 20.2%
  2. There is easy access to confidential counselling or support services 19.0% 18.6%
  3. There are good return to work policies and practices for those who have had time off work with mental health conditions 13.9% 14.0%
  4. There are clear structures in place to ensure transparent decision making 14.0% 13.6%
  5. There are policies to ensure that any changes are managed in a clear, supportive and positive way 13.5% 13.5%
  6. There is a good mental health policy, strategy or action plan 13.3% 13.3%
  7. The mental health policy, strategy or action plan can be seen in action 11.1% 11.9%
  8. There is a policy to ensure that all leaders regularly participate in mental health and wellbeing training 10.8% 11.3%


  • People are able to successfully overcome most of the challenges they face 19.2% 18.7%
  • People are generally highly engaged with their work 18.9% 18.1%
  • People rarely feel bored and disengaged 19.4% 18.0%
  • The talents, skills and competencies of the workforce are well used 17.6% 17.7%
  • People are comfortable voicing concerns about their job or things that might affect their job 17.4% 16.9%
  • Team leaders make sure workers have the resources to do the job 16.7% 16.6%
  • There is access to mental health and wellbeing education (i.e. information, training) 12.2% 13.4%
  • People have the skills and expertise to support other’s mental health and wellbeing 10.5% 11.5%


  • People would be happy to continue working in their workplace for as long as they can 24.2% 23.3%
  • People feel committed to their work team 23.1% 22.7%
  • People are motivated to work hard because their job is interesting and important to them personally 22.1% 20.9%
  • People feel good about working there 21.1% 20.7%
  • Experiences at work contribute positively to mental health 16.1% 15.4%
  • There is support to help people practice good work/family/life integration 15.6% 15.0%
  • Efforts are made to help people find purpose and meaning in their work 12.8% 13.5%
  • The culture encourages open discussion about issues that affect mental health and wellbeing 12.0% 13.1%

The research concluded that Australia’s 2019 workplace mental health and wellbeing index score remains unchanged compared to 2018, coming in at 62.7 out of a possible 100. This means we are nearly two thirds of the way towards optimal workplace mental health and wellbeing, with connectedness rating slightly higher than the domains of culture, capability, policy and leadership.