Instructions: For each question, please rank from 1 – 5.

Not at All (1) Rarely (2) Sometimes (3) Often (4) Very Often (5)

  1. I feel run down and drained of physical or emotional energy.
  2. I have negative thoughts about my job.
  3. I am harder and less sympathetic with people than perhaps they deserve.
  4. I am easily irritated by small problems, or by my co-workers.
  5. I feel misunderstood or unappreciated by my co-workers.
  6. I feel that I have no one to talk to.
  7. I feel that I am achieving less than I should.
  8.  I feel under an unpleasant level of pressure to succeed.
  9. I feel that I am not getting what I want out of my job.
  10. I feel that I am in the wrong organization or profession.
  11. I am frustrated with parts of my job.
  12. I feel that organizational politics or bureaucracy frustrate my ability to do a good job.
  13. I feel that there is more work to do than I practically have the ability to do.
  14. I feel that I do not have time to do many of the things that are important to doing a good quality job.
  15. I find that I do not have time to plan as much as I want to.

Total Score interpretations (No matter your score, pay attention to areas you ranked a 5)

15-18: No sign of burnout.

19-32: Little sign of burnout.

33-49: At risk of burnout.

50-59: Severe risk of burnout.

60-75: Very severe risk of burnout.

If you are concerned about your Burnout Self-Test score please book an appointment to speak with your EAP Assist counsellor at: