Never underestimate the power of a well-designed office. Air quality, temperature, noise levels and availability of natural light all contribute to a comfortable working environment.
A comfortable workspace, in turn, influences productivity, according to workers polled by Future Workplace and View Inc.
What makes a great office environment? Respondents cited the following:
• Air quality (58%)
• Comfortable light (50%)
• Water quality (41%)
• Comfortable temperature (34%)
• Office acoustics (30%)
• Connection to nature (30%)
At a time when organizations are placing the health and wellbeing of employees first, 42 % of respondents are also looking for options to personalize their work environment – from controlling the room temperature (48%) to adjusting the lighting (33%) to tuning out ambient noise (33%).
Invisible factors – such as having natural light and setting the office temperature to a comfortable level – are often overlooked, yet these elements provide significant influence on workplace wellness, employee productivity and the overall quality of the employee experience.
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