Often we can see the signs of anxiety or depression in others that we work with or in our families. Sometimes we feel a bit lost with how to help and communicate with them. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

Anxiety “DO’s”.
· Assure the person that they can take their time.
· Use a calm and reassuring tone of voice.
· Acknowledge that it may be difficult for them to speak to you about their concerns.
· Gently offer the option to speak with someone else they feel comfortable with or the EAP counsellor.
· Listen carefully and ask open questions to let them know that you want to work with them to resolve the situation.
· Help them to feel in control of the situation or at least how they want to deal with it.

Anxiety “ DONT’s”
· Rush someone by interrupting with your assumptions about their problem.
· Try to problem solve their issues for them or give advice.
· Adopt a tone of voice that suggests you are bored or irritated if they are unable to explain the situation.
· Show frustration if they are unable to make a decision.

Depression “DO’s”
· Be interested in what the person is saying.
· Be encouraging, positive and willing to talk.
· Be prepared to take a little extra time.
· Present information in small segments.
· Ask questions to identify the problem.
· Ask questions one at a time, so that you do not overwhelm them.
· Acknowledge that they seem a bit flat.
· Check that you have understood what they have said.
· Encourage them to write down the steps they need to take.

Depression “DON’T’s”
· Rush or get impatient with the person.
· Present information too quickly
· Overwhelm them with too much information.
· Tell them to get over it or question what they have to be depressed about.