When we have a lot on our plate and we feel too tired to cope with it all, one of the strategies that might help is to apply REST. REST outlines steps to help you pause, clear your head and then determine a helpful plan of action to address the situation, by encouraging you to briefly shift your attention from emotions, back to your logical – factual brain. REST can also be used as the first step in changing your unhealthy habits.
R is for Relax: Take a “time out” from the situation to focus on how you are feeling and where you are holding the stress in your body. Go for a walk, take a hot bath, call a supportive friend or do a 2-minute 4-7-8 breathing exercise.
E is for Evaluate: Identify the facts within the distressing situation. Notice how you feel physically and emotionally. Observe what other people are doing and how they are reacting. Think about what options you have available to you before making a decision.
S is for Set an intention: Create a goal or plan to address the situation. This could mean choosing a coping skill, asking someone for help, calling a meeting, negotiating with others or doing nothing and walking away.
T is for Take action: Put your plan into action with intention and awareness. While you may not necessarily resolve the situation, this action will be more effective than the impulsive behaviour you would have otherwise carried out.