Handling anxiety following a breakup can be really overwhelming, but it’s important to focus on our mental health and well-being during this time of transition. Below are some strategies you can use to navigate through this challenging period:

1. Identification of our emotions: Allow yourself to sit with, identify and feel the full range of emotions that emerge following a break-up, including sadness, anger, and grief. Remember it is okay to feel this way! And gently nurture these emotions gradually.
2. Engage in regular Self-Care: Take care of yourself physically, emotionally and mentally. Obtain plenty of sleep, eat healthy food, exercise regularly, and engage in pleasurable and meaningful activities. Lasty, be gentle on yourself on days you are feeling overwhelmed and exhausted.
3. Reach out to others: Consider reaching out to friends and family and increasing your social engagement with others. Think of many of your friends and family who could offer a sympathetic ear, encouragement or entertaining times. Reach out to others if you need it!
4. Cut Down on Social Media Use: Consider cutting down on social media if you use it, unfollow your ex-partner, or avoid triggers that may cause you to feel anxiety or sadness.
5. Establish Boundaries: Set boundaries with your ex-partner, as to create a space to reflect and allow for healing. Avoid unnecessary contact focus on your ex-partner and create a new routine that prioritizes your mental health.
6. Practice Mindfulness Exercises: Incorporate mindfulness exercises into your daily routine to help calm your anxiety and stress, cultivating a sense of calm and relaxation. Use techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing, open monitoring meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation.
7. Practice Cognitive Restructuring: Be mindful of the way you the beliefs and patterns of thinking you regularly use that could be perpetuating your symptoms. Regularly challenge and modify negative thoughts and reframe them with beliefs that improve your mental well-being.
8. Change you Focus: Engage in activities you enjoy such as spending time with loved ones or immersing yourself in creative pursuits like art or music at times when you start negatively thinking about the break-up
9. Practice Gratitude: Cultivate a sense of gratitude by focusing on the positive aspects of your life, during the pain of the breakup. Keep a gratitude journal and make a habit of acknowledging the things you are truly thankful for each day.
10. Seek Professional Help: Consider seeking counselling to process your emotions and learn or practice coping strategies for managing anxiety. A counsellor can provide valuable support and guidance during this challenging time.