Roots of Wellness

Roots of Wellness

There are seven dimensions of wellbeing. By making the effort to be mindful and give a little attention to each you can optimize happiness, wellbeing and success. INTELLECTUAL WELLNESS Intellectual wellness is being open to new ideas, thinking critically, and seeking...
Roots of Wellness

Anxiety Related Procrastination

Let us talk about anxiety related procrastination and what it involves. When anxiety infuses with our habit of postponing tasks it can appear to be a huge obstacle we need to overcome. However, having some type of strategy can give us a path out to manage the issue....
Roots of Wellness

Spirituality and Mental Health

Spirituality is the expansive concept of a belief in something in addition to the self. It assists in answering questions about the meaning of life, how people are connected to each other, facts about the universe and other mysteries related to human existence....
Roots of Wellness

The Four Tasks of Mourning

Grief is something we all experience at some point in our lives. It can be triggered by life events, such as the loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship or significant changes. Four Tasks of Mourning provides us with a “tasks” we can engage in while we are...
Roots of Wellness

Benefiting from Creative Activity

Employees have limited personal time to engage in activities that enable them to recover from a demanding work environment and perform at a high level. To evaluate the importance of non-work creative activity, two studies examined the relationships between non-work...
Roots of Wellness

Why Gratitude Matters

Over the years, employee recognition has gone through many changes. The first generation of employee recognition was based on gold watches, which were given out to employees for exceptional work and dedication. The second generation was based on thank-you cards, given...