These tips aim to help you get the ball rolling to happiness. They might not transform your life overnight, but some tips may be exactly what you need to hear. Use them as stepping stones. Add to them and shape them along the way to suit your own lifestyle and personality.

1. Avoid comparing yourself to others
This is easier said than done but try to avoid comparing your social life to anyone else’s. It’s not the number of friends you have or the frequency of your social outings that matters. It’s what works for you. Remember, you really have no way of knowing if someone with a bunch of friends and a stuffed social calendar is actually happy.
2. Take a step back from social media
Social media isn’t inherently bad or problematic, but if scrolling through your feeds makes you feel left out and stressed, take a few steps back. That feed doesn’t tell the whole story. Not by a long shot.
3. Take a phone break
That’s not to say that technology isn’t an incredibly helpful tool for building community and feeling close to loved ones who might be far away. But it’s easy to rely on devices as a way to avoid being alone with your own thoughts. Not sure how to pass the time? Grab a pen and notepad, and jot down things you might enjoy doing the next time you find yourself alone.
4. Carve out time to let your mind wander
Does the thought of doing absolutely nothing unsettle you? That’s probably because it’s been a long time since you’ve allowed yourself to just be. Experiment by setting a timer for 5 minutes. Just 5 minutes with no television, music, internet & podcasts. Let your mind wander — truly wander — and see where it takes you. Don’t be discouraged if it doesn’t take you very far at first. With time, your mind will get used to this new freedom.
5. Take yourself on a date
It might sound cliche, but self-dates can be a powerful tool for learning how to be happy alone. Start small by sitting in a coffee shop for just 10 minutes. Be observant and soak in your surroundings.
6. Get physical
Exercise helps release endorphins, those neurotransmitters in your brain that can make you feel happier. If you’re new to exercise, start with just a few minutes a day of stretches or a ten minute walk.
7. Spend time with nature
Research shows that 30 minutes or more a week spent in nature can improve symptoms of depression and lower blood pressure.
8. Volunteer
You can volunteer in person or help out remotely from home. Either way, helping others can make you feel good. Plus, it can help you feel connected to others while still getting in some quality alone time. Perform a random act of kindness whenever the opportunity presents itself.
9. Acknowledge things you’re grateful for
Gratefulness can boost feelings of happiness and hopefulness. It’s easy to take things for granted as you go about your day. Devote some time to reflect on the things you’re grateful for. Make a list — mental or physical — of the things in your life that you appreciate and next time you’re feeling down, whip out this list to remind yourself of everything you have going for you.
10. Give yourself a break
Self-reflection is a good thing. Harsh self-judgement is not. It eats away at your self-confidence and happiness. When that negative inner critic comes to call, turn toward that more positive voice that resides in your head (you know it’s in there somewhere). Don’t judge yourself more harshly than you’d judge anyone else.
11. Find a creative outlet
What have you always dreamed of doing but have put off? Don’t worry if you’re not good at it. The point is to try something new and different, to take a step outside your comfort zone.
12. Shake up your routine
Even a routine that works well can eventually morph into a rut, leaving you uninspired. Think about your day-to-day routine and immediate surroundings. What’s still working for you, and what’s become dull? Freshen things up. Rearrange your furniture or paint a wall. Start a garden, clean and declutter, or find a new coffee shop. See if there’s something you can change to pull yourself out of that rut.
13. Strengthen your coping skills
Life has its stressors, and bad things happen. There’s no point in ignoring this reality. But remember that time something bad happened, and you figured out how to deal with it? That’s a skill worth continuing to develop. Consider how you coped then and why that worked. Think about how you can use that same mindset to cope with events that are happening now.
14. Nurture relationships
Close social connections are very important. Arrange to visit with a friend or someone in your family, or go hang out with the team after work. Call someone you haven’t heard from in a long time and have a meaningful conversation.
15. Practice forgiveness
What does forgiveness have to do with your happiness? Among other health benefits, the act of forgiveness may reduce stress, anxiety and depression. Forgiveness can take a load off your mind. While you’re at it, don’t forget to forgive yourself, too.
16. Take care of your health
Mental health can affect physical health and vice versa. Taking care of your physical health may help boost your overall happiness. Plus, it’s a good way to foster a good relationship with yourself. Make eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly and getting adequate sleep .
17. Make plans for the future
Where do you want to be in 5 years or in 10 years, both personally and professionally? What do you need to do to accomplish those goals? Writing this down can be helpful in guiding your decisions.