Your Mind Plan

Answer the 5 questions in this interactive quiz to get top tips and advice for you


1. How is your mood?

Choose an answer that's closest to how you've been feeling over the last 2 weeks

2. How well do you sleep?

Think about how you've been sleeping over the last 2 weeks

3. How anxious or on edge do you feel?

Choose an answer that's closest to how you've been feeling over the last 2 weeks

4. How stressed do you feel?

Choose an answer that's closest to how you've been feeling over the last 2 weeks

5. Have you been worrying about anything?

Being aware of the things that can affect our mental health can make it easier to understand when you are struggling.
Choose as many that apply

Your Mind Plan

6 simple ideas to maintain your mental wellbeing

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Based on your answers, it looks like you're doing well. These ideas can help you stay on top of your mental health.


Reframe unhelpful thoughts

Check out our short video to get some practical tips on how to challenge unhelpful thoughts and help improve your mood.


Relax your muscles and mind

Sometimes we can be so tense that we do not even remember what being relaxed feels like. This exercise teaches you to recognise when you are starting to get tense and how to relax.


Focus on your breathing

Take a deep breath in and a long exhale out – feels good, doesn't it? Now try our mindful breathing exercise video. It can help you feel more calm and present.


Get the Couch to 5K app

When you do physical activity regularly, you can feel a sense of achievement and boost your mood. Couch to 5K gets absolute beginners off the couch and running in just 9 weeks. Grab your trainers and follow the step-by-step instructions.


Top sleep tips

Get simple tips for improving how you sleep with our video.


Reframe unhelpful thoughts

Check out our short video to get some practical tips on how to challenge unhelpful thoughts and help improve your mood.


Make time to socialise

Social contact is good for your mental health – even if you do not feel like engaging with other people when you are low or anxious. This video will show you ways to build more social connection into your life.


Focus on quality time

Plan to spend quality time with your family or friends each week. If you live with other people, switch off the TV and spend some time together – and if not, make plans to meet up.


Watch our healthy lifestyle video

Being active, enjoying the outdoors and eating a balanced diet all affect how we feel. Watch our healthy living video for tips.


Stay healthy

It's important to remember that our physical health affects our mental health. Physical activity, reducing alcohol and tobacco, and maintaining a healthy, balanced diet can all affect how we feel.


Try a new hobby or learn a new skill

Setting goals and learning new skills can be a great way to meet people, build your self-esteem and feel a sense of achievement.


Tackle your worries

If your worries seem out of control, try setting aside some "worry time" (up to 20 minutes) to write things down and try to find solutions. This can help you worry less throughout the day. When an anxious thought comes up, think "I will set that aside for my worry time".

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How to maintain your mental health

Find out more things you can do to maintain you mental health and wellbeing

Get more ideas



Your Mind Plan Quiz