If you are resilient you understand that setbacks and challenges are part of life and you accept that life is sometimes hard or painful. Your mental outlook allows you to work through difficulties and recover. Resiliency gives you the strength to address problems directly, successfully overcome adversity and move on with your life.
Read the following statements and rate them from 0 to 5, where 0 = never, and 5 = always
_____ I am self-disciplined.
_____ I tend to take things one day at a time.
_____ I maintain interest in people, activities, or things.
_____ I consider myself to be determined.
_____ I can juggle many things at a time.
_____ I don’t give up; even if something is difficult, I persevere.
_____ I take things in stride and avoid getting overly upset.
_____ I am confident I can get through difficulties or challenges.
_____ I trust myself.
_____ I depend on myself and can be on my own if necessary.
_____ I enjoy learning new things.
_____ I consider myself to be creative and I can easily think outside the box.
_____ I have faith in something greater than myself.
_____ I am proud of what I have accomplished in my life.
_____ I follow through with plans I make.
_____ I always manage in one way or another.
_____ I am generally motivated and experience an internal drive or initiative.
_____ I consider myself to be competent or good at doing things.
_____ I have self-worth and value myself
_____ I have confidence in my abilities.
_____ I easily adjust to change and find ways to positively cope with situations as they arise.
_____ I have positive expectations for the future.
_____ I am generally optimistic.
_____ I distance myself from unhealthy people or situations.
_____ I have and use good listening, honest communication, and healthy conflict resolution skills. _____ I have the training and skills I need to do well at my job or in school.
_____ I know how to set goals and take the steps to achieve them.
_____ I set and maintain boundaries by standing up for myself and saying no when necessary.
_____ I can usually find something to laugh about.
_____ I have people I can rely on.
_____ I view situations in a number of different ways.
_____ My life has meaning.
_____ I have enough energy to do the things I want to do.
_____ My belief in myself or a higher power gets me through hard times.
_____ I volunteer to help others or a cause that is important to me.
_____ I avoid dwelling on things I cannot do anything about.
_____ I can accept that there are people who dislike me.
_____ I am involved in one or more enjoyable hobbies or activities.
_____ I participate in one or more groups or activities outside of work or school.
_____ I sometimes make myself do unpleasant things.
_____ I can usually find my way out of difficult situations.
_____ I have several people in my life who offer me unconditional love and nonjudgmental listening, and I know they are there for me.
_____ I treat myself with kindness and compassion, and care for myself by get enough sleep, eating right and exercising.
_____ I believe in myself and engage in positive self-talk about my ability to overcome difficulties. _____ My opinions and choices are valued in my close personal relationships.
_____ I base my decisions and choices on internal evaluations and my own judgment.
_____ I consider myself to be insightful.
_____ I do things even if I am fearful or anxious.
_____ It is easy for me to forgive others.
_____ If I am upset, I find ways to calm down or soothe myself.
_____ I can empathize with others.
_____ I am creative and easily express myself through artistic endeavours.
_____ I give my time or resources to help people, organizations, or social causes.
_____ I make friends easily and consider myself to be social and outgoing.
Now, add up your score:
If you scored 0–50, you might have a hard time overcoming life’s difficulties. If you encounter a significant stressor, crisis, or tragedy, you might not naturally draw on internal or external factors to bounce back quickly or easily. You might want to identify ways to build your resiliency to cope with stress, obstacles and other life challenges.
If you scored 51–199, you are sometimes able to tap into internal qualities or external supports when you face difficulties or challenges. You might want to find ways to increase your resiliency so you can become more flexible and add to your toolkit to effectively cope with challenges.
If you scored 200 or more, you probably have an easier time than many people bouncing back from tragedy or trauma because you have a number of protective conditions in your life that support your resiliency. You tend to draw on both internal and external factors to cope with life’s problems.
To obtain a copy of The Resiliency Toolkit go to: https://eapassist.com.au/treatment-workbooks/