Here are ten tips to start the conversation:

  1. Feel more prepared by educating yourself about the suspected mental health concerns.
  2. Ensure you are in a mentally healthy headspace before offering support to others.
  3. Actively listen with your complete attention on the speaker.
  4. Resist thinking about how you should respond next or offer advice or solutions.
  5. Validate their experiences and express your understanding back to them.
  6. If comfortable and appropriate, relate to them on a personal level and share your own experiences.
  7. Refer them to your organization’s resources or online mental health screening at:
  8. Always respect the employee’s need for and right to privacy if they disclose a mental health condition and be aware of your personal biases against mental health conditions.
  9. Know your comfort level when supporting other people. You are not expected to be a mental health professional, but you can still help others by opening the conversation and suggesting appropriate resources.
  10. Check in on a regular basis.