The following eleven daily habits may help you achieve more happiness in your life:
1. Smile
You tend to smile when you’re happy. But it’s actually a two-way street. We smile because we’re happy, and smiling causes the brain to release dopamine, which makes us happier.
2. Exercise
Exercise isn’t just for your body. Regular exercise can help reduce stress, feelings of anxiety, and symptoms of depression while boosting and happiness. Even a small amount of physical activity can make a difference. Remind yourself of any fun activities you once enjoyed but that have fallen by the wayside. Or you could consider starting activities you always wanted to try, such as golf, bowling, or dancing.
3. Get plenty of sleep
Most adults need at least seven hours of sleep every night. If you find yourself fighting the urge to nap during the day or just generally feel like you’re in a fog, your body may be telling you it needs more rest. No matter how much our modern society steers us toward less sleep, we know that adequate sleep is vital to good health, brain function, and emotional well-being.
4. Eat with mood in mind
If you want to eat with your mood in mind, consider starting with making one food choice for your mood each day. For example, swap a big, sweet breakfast pastry for some Greek yogurt with fruit. You’ll still satisfy your sweet tooth, and the protein will help you avoid a midmorning energy crash. Consider adding in a new food swap each week.
5. Practice gratitude
Simply being grateful can give your mood a big boost, among other benefits. You might try starting each day by acknowledging one thing you’re grateful for. As you go about your day, consider keeping an eye out for pleasant things in your life. They can be big things, such as knowing that someone loves you or getting a well-deserved promotion. But they can also be little things, such as a co-worker who offered you a cup of coffee or the neighbour who waved to you. With a little practice, you may even become more aware of all the positive things around you.
6. Give a compliment
Performing acts of kindness may also help promote your overall well-being. Giving a sincere compliment is a quick, easy way to brighten someone’s day while giving your own happiness a boost. Catch the person’s eye and say it with a smile so they know you mean it. You might be surprised by how good it makes you feel.
7. Breathe deeply
You’re tense, your shoulders are tight, and you feel as though you just might “lose it.” We all know that feeling. Instinct may tell you to take a long, deep breath to calm yourself down. If you’re having a hard time taking slow, deliberate breaths, try counting to 5 in your head with each inhale and exhale.
8. Acknowledge the unhappy moments
A positive attitude is generally a good thing, but bad things happen to everyone. It’s just part of life. If you get some bad news, make a mistake, or just feel like you’re in a funk, don’t try to pretend you’re happy. Acknowledge the feeling of unhappiness, letting yourself experience it for a moment. Then shift your focus toward what made you feel this way and what it might take to recover.
9. Keep a journal
A journal is a good way to organize your thoughts, analyze your feelings, and make plans. It can be as simple as jotting down a few thoughts before you go to bed. If putting certain things in writing makes you nervous, you can always shred it when you’ve finished. It’s the process that counts.
10. Face stress head-on
Life is full of stressors, and it’s impossible to avoid all of them. For those stressors you can’t avoid, remind yourself that everyone has stress — there’s no reason to think it’s all on you. Instead of letting yourself get overwhelmed, try to address the stressor head-on. This might mean initiating an uncomfortable conversation or putting in some extra work, but the sooner you confront it, the sooner the pit in your stomach may start to shrink.
11. Avoid comparing yourself to others
Whether it happens on social media, at work, or even at a yoga class, it’s easy to fall into a place where you’re comparing yourself to others. The result may be more discontent, lower self-esteem, and even depression and anxiety. It can take practice to stop comparing yourself but it’s worth it for the benefit of having your inner peace and happiness.
Found this information very helpful. Sometimes we tend to forget the little things
I’m currently fighting an episode of anxiety. The habits that you have listed are so helpful. Thank you for doing what you do. You are an encouragement to me.
Very well written article! Keep up teh great work TEAM EAP:)