Stop Overthinking

We have all been bestowed with a brain which, for the most part, is a wondrous creation which enables us to process information, think through our options, and determine how to proceed. However, at times our mind can seem like our own worst enemy. When we find...

Nurturing Optimism

Optimism itself is good — good for our health. More and more long-term studies show that optimism fosters “exceptional” longevity and lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease and other chronic ailments. Other studies have concluded optimists have better...

Domestic Violence & the Workplace

Domestic Violence is often referred to as the “hidden crime”. The statistics indicate that women are the main victims of Domestic Violence in 70% of the cases. One in three women experiences physical violence and almost one in five experience sexual violence in their...

Six Burnout Tips

Just as it took time to become burnt out, the recovery process can also take a while. Below are a few tips you can try to help along the healing process.   1. Leave the House Every Day The burnout symptoms and recovery period can make you feel like turning into a...