We can get so caught up in daily routines, activities and errands that we sometimes forget how to enjoy life. To live life to the fullest and escape from the mundane routine it is important to engage in fun. Fun in your daily life can also improve your mental health, fill you with happiness hormones, and increase the quality of your professional and personal life. Start having more fun:
Try new things
Don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. Now is the perfect time to try that salsa class or learn to play the guitar. Something that you wanted for quite some time but haven’t got the chance.
Spend more time with your friends
Friendships are so important for our mental health. If you have quality relationships, try to invest some time to take the most from the moments with them. Or maybe organize a gathering with a few close friends to get that feeling of belonging to a community you are a part of.
Explore nature
Observing nature and its cycles can boost our mood. If you’re feeling low, bored or stressed, go for a walk and breathe some fresh air. When we take the time to notice the birds, the sunshine, trees or mountains, our brain is fed with feel-good hormones and feelings of safety and contentment.
Seek laughter
Go to a stand-up comedy show, watch a funny sitcom or invite friends over and play some board games.
Enjoy little moments in everyday life
Allow yourself to enjoy small pleasures. Reward yourself after a stressful day at work with a peaceful walk, watching the sunset, enjoying a piece of chocolate or going to the movies.
Make your workplace fun
You probably spend a lot of time at work, so it is important to make that space more enjoyable. You could surprise your co-workers with cookies or organize a book club. You could also decorate your workspace with things that bring a smile to your face.
Dancing boosts your mood and relieves stress and anxiety. Put on your favourite playlist and move your body in whichever way feels good to you. You could do it while you are doing things like cooking or cleaning – in this way it doesn’t feel like a chore but more like fun. Do it in the comfort of your home when no one is watching or invite friends over and make a dance party.
Knowing how to have fun at work, re-engages us with our professional lives and helps us thrive. From an organisational point of view, a happy employee is more productive and can contribute significantly to building a culture of wellbeing in their organisation. The evidence is clear, engaged employees perform better, experience less burnout, and stay in organisations longer. If you feel disengaged in your workplace, or you want to re-engage your employees, here are some things you could do:
1. Look for positive things – try to think about all the positive things your current role provides in your life. The income, social life, development opportunities… Try not to look at it as hard work, but rather see it as a piece of the puzzle that’s helping you along your career path. Then perhaps, the energy required to do it will be easier to come by.
As an employer, you could focus on what’s positive in your working environment and encourage employees to see those qualities.
2. Celebrate wins – We all need to feel recognised and validated for our actions. So, start acknowledging all the good you are doing. All the little things that you achieved in a day need to be celebrated. If you are an employee, stop waiting for recognition from others, but truly witness how amazing you are. Treat yourself with small things and don’t underestimate how gratifying it can feel to recognise tiny advancements.
If you are an employer, know that almost 90% of people find praise from their managers to be very or extremely motivational. So, when you see your employee did a great job, be the first to recognise it and make their day better.
3. Include fun – Nine out of ten employees find fun working environments to be very motivating. You could do that by proposing open communication and new ideas. Listen to what your employees have to say and try to make them feel heard and safe on their job. Propose ideas for team building days and bring more spontaneity.
4. Take your free time seriously – Be firm with setting your boundaries; stop answering emails after your work hours, take a break from the phone on Sundays… You need to give yourself a rest, and if that means giving yourself a specified set time to unplug or turn away from the demands of your job, then do it. You will stay more consistently motivated during your working hours if you give yourself a true break from everything.
As an employer, encourage employees to do take a break, to create a good work-life balance.