Get outside on your work breaks
Being exposed to natural light, greenery and fresh air can help boost our mood when we’re feeling low. It’s also a great way to move our bodies, even if it is a gentle walk to the closest park or a stroll around the block. The chance to get some Vitamin D is also a positive.
Make a list of tasks each day and prioritise the top 3 so the most important get done
Setting and achieving goals plays a big role in us feeling motivated and engaged at work. Making an actionable list of tasks helps us focus our attention and achieve the goals we set for ourselves. Focussing on the top three ensures that we prioritise our efforts for the best outcome.
Take regular breaks from your screens at work
The most effective breaks help us to switch off and give our brain and body a chance to reset. Ideally, we would use this time to step away from our screens, including phones. Even the presence of a phone nearby has been found to increase the stress hormone cortisol. Whether we take solo breaks or connect with a colleague, taking a break helps to clear our minds and refocus.
Practice kindness and gratitude at work
Being kind and showing gratitude towards ourselves and others helps us gain perspective, connect with others and be kinder to ourselves. There are scientifically proven benefits of being kind. Kindness increases oxytocin, serotonin, energy, happiness and lifespan, and decreases pain, stress, anxiety, depression and blood pressure.
Choose one of your life goals and take a step towards it
Setting new goals and thinking about the future helps us to see the bigger picture and re-evaluate life in a positive way. They help to inspire, motivate and direct our choices; they’re a reflection of what matters to us. Breaking bigger goals down into small, actionable steps helps ensure we achieve them.
Find a supportive person in your workplace to talk to
We rely on our colleagues for advice, support, networks and social connection. According to one study those who have good relationships with co-workers have better physical and mental health and reduced risk of burnout. If concerned about someone at work, make a regular time to check in with them or encourage them to speak with their manager, HR or EAP Assist.
Get some laughter in your day
Laughter is a great way for people, whether friends or strangers, to connect positively. It is also a great way to relax our muscles, reduce tension and change our mood. Laughter even improves emotional wellbeing and feelings of optimism, improves our memory and decreases the stress hormone, cortisol.
Move more every day in a variety of ways
Being physically active is one of the best ways to maintain our wellbeing, both physical and mental. Our often-sedentary lifestyles mean we spend a lot of time sitting, whether commuting or at a desk, or while watching television or using our computers. Being more active, whether it’s strenuous or not, is much easier to do if it’s something we enjoy or can build into our routines.