1. Take care of yourself & Model coping
- Children and teens learn more from their parents’ actions than their words. If you want your youth to cope well, make sure that you cope well!
- Model taking care of your health by following guidelines regarding handwashing, social distancing, etc.
- Exercise, meditate, eat well, connect with friends and find some quiet in whatever way is feasible for you.
- Practice self-care so that you have the emotional bandwidth to effectively respond to your children’s anxiety, boredom or sadness and so that you show them how to cope with distress in healthy ways.
2. Limit access to news
- Ask youth directly how they’re feeling and if they have any questions. It’s better for them to come to you with their concerns rather than getting stuck in their heads or turning to Google or friends who might not be informed.
- Limit Googling and stick to trusted sources, such as the WHO websites, for information. Review these sites together and discuss what you learn.
- Turn off news notifications so you and/or your child can control when you check the news, rather than feeling constantly vigilant or bombarded with updates when you’re trying to focus on work, friends or relaxing.
3. Normalize anxiety
- We all feel anxious right now. Anxiety is our body’s alarm system, alerting us to danger or threat. Right now, our alarms should be going off a bit! It’s okay to feel anxious – that’s your alarm system working for you and encouraging you to take proper precautions.
- Remember that anxiety can cause physiological symptoms, such as heart racing, trouble breathing, headaches and stomach aches. Those symptoms are uncomfortable and unpleasant, but safe and will pass with time. Your body is not meant to experience those sensations forever – they will come down.
- Naming the feeling brings it outside of yourself, reduces its influence over you and normalizes the experience.
4. Validate anxiety, disappointment, and frustration
- Ofcourse you and your children feel anxious, worried about yourself and/or loved ones, disappointed about cancelled events, or lonely. There are real stressors and changes in our lives right now and it makes sense to have a reaction to them.
- Validate your child’s experience by expressing that you understand their emotions and that their response makes sense given the circumstances.
- For all of us, responses such as, “You’re overreacting,” “Just relax,” “There’s no reason to be upset,” etc. lead us to become even more upset, anxious or angry.
- When a child (or adult) feels heard and understood, they are more receptive to receiving feedback and suggestions. Validation improves open communication and often leads to emotional relief, as well.
- Examples:
- Invalidation: “You’re young, you’re safe, so why are you nervous? You’ll be fine.”
- Validation: “I understand that this is tough. You’ve never experienced something like this. It makes sense to feel a bit nervous about everything going on.”
- Invalidation: “You always want to play more games! We played Battleship three times already today. Don’t you get bored of it too?”
- Validation: “I get it – it’s fun to play games and it gets boring spending all day inside. It must be hard since I’m home, but working in my office, and can’t spend as much time with you as we would both like.”
- Invalidation: “What’s the big deal? Your performance (graduation, college trip, sports game) will get rescheduled. People are dying out there – this doesn’t really matter.”
- Validation: “It must be tough having something so important to you pushed off. I would be disappointed too.”
5. Encourage Activity
- Kids (and adults) may feel lethargic, fatigued and less motivated to engage in their usual activities when inside most of the day and not moving much.
- Daily movement is essential to avoid increases in depressive symptoms and low energy.
- Activities can include taking a walk, doing jumping jacks at home, jump rope, yoga, push-ups, sit-ups, dancing, playing tag and any other forms of movement.
6. Shift Perspective
- There’s so much that is unknown and outside of our control right now. Shift focus towards what you do know and what you can control instead.
- Make a list of all the
things you do know:
- This is temporary.
- My family is healthy and taking all necessary precautions.
- Young people are unlikely to get very sick.
- I will still see my teachers and classmates via Zoom.
- Make a list of the things
you can control:
- Washing your hands and practicing social distancing
- Setting up hangouts over FaceTime
- Taking walks outside
- Anxiety can distort our
thinking and facilitate jumping to conclusions and catastrophizing. Check
the Facts by asking questions such as:
- “What’s most likely to happen?”
- “What evidence do I have for this worry?”
- “What else might happen?”
7. Facilitate “distant socializing”
- Encourage youth to keep in touch with friends and family via FaceTime or Zoom. Get creative with games to play or other activities.
8. Maintain Normalcy and Structure
- Stick to regular routines (consistent wake up/bed times) and encourage typical activities as much as possible (e.g., band practice or club meeting via Zoom).
- Get input from kids on creating the daily/weekly schedule (e.g., “When should we take a walk outside?” “Should we FaceTime Grandma before or after dinner?”).
- It’s okay if you’re not the color-coded schedule type of family! Your kids will still learn, grow, and benefit from time with you. A regimented day is no replacement for love, affection and genuine relationship-building activities.
9. Contribute to others
- Shift your focus off of
yourself and your own circumstances by thinking about others who may be
suffering and those who are helping you. Some examples:
- Donate to a local charity
- Spread information about ways to support those in need
- Express appreciation to doctors, nurses, other healthcare workers you know
- Say a big thank you to your grocery store, delivery person, etc.