To take care of your mental health and wellbeing regularly practising the Five Ways below – whether you have a mental health problem or not:
• Connect: Strengthening relationships with others and feeling close to and valued by others, including at work, is critical to boosting wellbeing.
• Keep Learning: Being curious and seeking out new experiences at work and in life more generally positively stimulates the brain.
• Be Active: Being physically active, including at work, improves physical health and can improve mood and wellbeing and decrease stress, depression and anxiety.
• Give: Carrying out acts of kindness, whether small or large, can increase happiness, life satisfaction and general sense of wellbeing.
• Take Notice: Paying more attention to the present moment, to thoughts and feelings and to the world around, boosts our wellbeing.
If you are suffering from a condition that is affecting your mental health and looking for treatment options see: