When we’re too hard on ourselves and beat ourselves up over setbacks and failures, we’re not doing ourselves any favours. We’re actually hindering our ability to learn and grow from those experiences. But when we’re kind and understanding to ourselves, we can objectively recognize where we can improve without all the negative self-talk.

So how do we practice self-compassion? It’s simple, really. We just need to acknowledge that everyone makes mistakes and has shortcomings. I know, it is easier said than done, but it’s all part of the learning and growing process. And when we experience negative feelings, we need to keep them in perspective. This one moment doesn’t define us or our abilities.

When we practice self-compassion, we create the optimal conditions for growth and transformation. It’s like giving ourselves permission to make mistakes and learn from them. You are growing and learning, every little stumble does not mean your downfall.

Make a conscious effort to be kind and compassionate towards ourselves. It’s not only good for our vocational success, but for our overall well-being too. Here are a few tips how you can practice self-compassion:

  • Talk to yourself the way you would talk to a friend. Would you ever tell a friend that they’re stupid or worthless? So why would you say those things to yourself? Be kind and understanding to yourself, just like you would be to a friend.
  • Give yourself time to heal. When you experience a setback or failure, don’t expect to bounce back overnight. Give yourself time to process your emotions and learn from your experience.
  • Seek out support. If you’re struggling to practice self-compassion on your own, don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Talk to a friend, family member or other trusted person.
  • Remember, self-compassion is a skill that takes time and practice. But it’s a skill that’s worth developing. When you practice self-compassion, you’re more likely to succeed at work and in life.