By working on empathy you will find that you will build trust, become a better leader and deepen all your relationships. It is key to success in both business and life. So what is empathy?

Empathy isn’t:
Dominating conversations
Ignoring non-verbal cues
Dismissing feelings with phrases like “I know how you feel” or “toughen up”
Minimizing problems, rushing, trying to fix issues, or focusing on yourself
Being indifferent, giving unsolicited advice, interrupting, judging, or showing pity

Empathy Is:
Being patient, actively listening, and showing curiosity
Holding space, offering comfort, and confirming understanding
Being present, respecting boundaries, and gently asking questions
Recognizing other’s perspective and being emotionally available

Six Ways to Develop and Show Empathy:

1.      Be Present – Focus fully on the speaker without interrupting.
2.      Reflect Back the Feelings – Use phrases like, “It sounds like you’re feeling…”
3.      Ask Open-Ended Questions – Encourage them to share more gently.
4.      Avoid Judgment – Keep an open mind and heart.
5.      Offer Support, Not Solutions – Ask, “How can I support you?”
6.      Practice Patience – Give them time to express themselves.