One often forgotten component of overall optimal health is our emotional health. Our feelings have important implications for how we view ourselves, our relationships and the world around us. This ability to maturely face and express these feelings can help us to meet life’s challenges without becoming overwhelmed or hopeless. Emotional Wellness emphasizes an awareness and acceptance of one’s feelings. It includes the ability to adjust to the various obstacles one may encounter in life, the development of autonomy, the ability to realistically assess one’s limitations and the maintenance of satisfying relationships.

Take this quick Emotional Wellness Quiz
1. I have a sense of fun and I am able to laugh at some of the situations I find myself in?
2. I don’t judge others based on my expectations of them?
3. I generally face problems directly?
4. I cope with change effectively?
5. I have a positive self-image?
6. I can speak up for my needs?
7. I do not hold grudges?
8. I have several people in my life that I can count on for support?
9. I am generally optimistic about myself and the future?
10. I can effectively express both my positive and negative emotions?
Total ______

If you score 8 or less keep working as there may be room for improvement.