Below is a summary of work-related injury and illness 2023

  • There were 139,000 serious workers’ compensation claims in Australia in 2022-23.
  • The median time lost from work-related injuries and illnesses has been increasing over the past 10 years, with 21.3% of accepted claims involving 13 weeks or more off work in 2021-22.
  • Body stressing was the leading cause of serious workers’ compensation claims (32.7%), followed by falls, slips and trips of a person; being hit by moving objects, and mental stress.
  • Mental health conditions accounted for 10.5% or 14,600 claims in 2022-23. This is a 19.2% increase on 2021-22, and a 97.3% increase compared with 10 years ago.
  • Workers aged 25-44 had the lowest serious claims frequency rate, at 5.6 serious claims per million hours worked.

View the Key Work Health and Safety Statistics Australia 2024