Have you ever noticed a calming sensation come over you when watching a sunset over the ocean, cheering your team with a crowd or looking at a beautiful artwork? This is a positive emotion called ‘awe’ and it’s what we experience in the presence of something vast and mysterious that helps us to see the world is much bigger than we are. Awe can make us happier, healthier, kinder and better able to handle stress. It helps us to gain a different perspective about our lives, feel more connected to others and motivate us to do good in the world. Experiencing awe can:

Reduce stress by calming our nervous system. When we feel in awe of something our bodies respond by activating the vagal nerves, a cluster of neurons in the spinal cord that regulate our body slow our heartrate, improve digestion and deepen our breathing.

Boost positive emotions and happiness. It can make us feel like we are part of something greater than ourselves. This allows us to see our problems and challenges from a different perspective. It also generates other positive emotions like wonder, amazement and admiration.

Connect us with the present and others. Bring us into the present moment away from worrying thoughts and help reduce anxiety and create a stronger sense of social connection that results in increased kindness and generosity towards others.

How can we experience awe?
1. Actively seek out inspirational stories. Search YouTube for heroic events or news articles about how people have helped others in need. Read biographies or watch movies about inspiring people.
2. Participate in a shared experience. Join a group where you can engage in synchronised experiences such as dancing or singing.
3. Get close to nature. Take a walk outside and pay attention to what you can see, hear and feel. Look at a tree. Watch a bird. Stare out at the ocean.
4. Listen to music. Find your favourite piece of music – something that gives you goosebumps and listen to it.
5. Visit an Art Gallery. Wander around an art gallery or museum. Read some poetry.
6. Do something differently. Walk to work a different way. Read a different genre of book. Order a different meal.
7. Do random acts of kindness. Take a colleague out for coffee. Help someone who needs help.
8. Reflect on awe inspiring experiences. Write about your last experience of awe in your journal. Visualise the experience.